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HELP! LOD3 error from mirrored .dae from blender


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im uploading a mirrored leg from blender but . . .


LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported post-normalization transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Scene could not be parsed


i don't understand :'C

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36 minutes ago, Lillium138713 said:

im uploading a mirrored leg from blender but . . .


LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported post-normalization transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Scene could not be parsed


i don't understand :'C

If I had an uploading error I did not understand. I'd take a copy of that leg and open another instance of blender and then reset the transformations and see if sl likes that. Because it was mirrored might have auto goofed the scale and rotation data. I usually reset all transformations on any thing I've finished because if not, say you start building with a cube and you turn it and build something that looks to be okay but when uploaded to second life the axis Z is in the X place and Y is Z. It still works it's just you know. 




Edited by benchthis
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37 minutes ago, Lillium138713 said:

im uploading a mirrored leg from blender but . . .


LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported post-normalization transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Scene could not be parsed


i don't understand :'C

or might have some normals that are not flipped correctly, not sure if that would prompt any errors i've uploaded content and forgot to flip the normal or check before uploading. Part of the process checking to make sure they side you want is facing out. Blue is good, in this case.


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41 minutes ago, Lillium138713 said:

im uploading a mirrored leg from blender but . . .


LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Negative scale detected, unsupported post-normalization transform. domInstance_geometry: leftt_leg___Front
LOD3 Scene could not be parsed


i don't understand :'C

Could try this too, I think I recall problems if the origin is too far away from model. I don't know if that's true but always make sure my origins are always set to geometry when my models are finished and models are evolved the origin moves around so just making sure the origin is set as well is one of my compulsions.


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These are LOD / Level of Detail settings.

They are mesh quality settings depending on distance avatar is from object.

High is closest

Medium is little further away    (if this is set to generate it will look like crap from a far) I usually set mine to generate above via drop down and if you do not see the values change to reflect the highest values had problems in past with a bug, so had to manually key in the numbers that were in the higest field to this field. 

Low is little further away (same with this)

Lowest furthest away (same with this)

Hope this helps. 


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I'm using the PBR viewer and for the same model attempted to upload it and got an error. This is kind of what your experiencing I think. So where that yellow circle is the system goofed the data I guess. Under where it says triangles for some reason the uploader made the triangles for medium less than low values. Under that browse button on the high row just below are fields that can be manually changed. Maybe the system goofed your values. Something to check too.

That's all I can think of hope you get it to work :)



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