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A Club for Permanent SL Singles


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I'd love a club for permanent SL single avatars.  I'd love if someone would consider this because I wanna slow dance with all the cute male avatars, not marry their pixels.  And, for slow dancing, I don't care if they are male or female behind the kb, but I want to slow dance with cute male avis without the jealousy.

There should be a club for permanent SL avatars 'cuz this jealousy thing is not for me.  I might wanna be in a group where everybody dances with everybody and no jealousy involved.

I prefer oldies say 60's to 90's as I don't like trance, rap, dance remixes, or country too much.  I'd love it to be rock, soft rock, pop (not a lot of heavy metal :shudders at the thought:)  More like a club with all the hits from over the years. 

Anyone care to join a group like this for permanent SL singles, or create one or create a sim for this?  (And if you don't think oldies are popular, you need to check out Big Daddy's sometime -- it's packed (total understatement).  When I went to Big Daddy's, there were somewhere around 70 avi's in there that it was nearly impossible to move, so more oldies clubs are needed and very popular as I saw at Big Daddy's. 

Any brainstorming ideas out there about how to create a jealousy-free group for dancing only? 

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Sounds interesting. You need to think about how to market the group so that people will be motivated to join. The Permanently Single Group has a negative connotation. I suggest the Free Sex & Love Group. That should spark some interest. Sell it as a hippie-style commune where everybody is with everybody else and partnerships are not allowed.

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Ah, true.  I'm not offering sex tho just slow dancing and maybe a kiss; that's it.  What people do outside the club is their own to choose. 

I like the FREE LOVE GROUP idea though; however, some people could get the wrong idea there, too.  If ya know what I mean.

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I know, it's unfortunate... that's why I said women behind the kb but in a male avi is okay by me, too.  My rl bf won't come on SL, and knowing him.. he'd never have the patience for SL.  Though my rl bf is a funny guy, he just doesn't have the patience for stuff like this and probably never will.  :(

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Randall wrote:  Dudes really aren't into dancing in SL. They think it's boring and they tend to go AFK and make a sandwich while the dance ball animates their avatar.


I wanted to further respond to this answer but I hope peeps don't take it the wrong way.

So here goes, I have talked to partnered male avi's who are a little bored with their current SL partnership and just want to be free for awhile.   Some wish they never partnered or had kids as I was told.  So, there is a niche or need for this type of free living group.  All they need to do is to create an alt when they want to be totally free from the humdrum of their current partnership.  All relationships have humdrum in them from time to time, even rl. 

How about THE TOTALLY FREE GROUP?  Something like that. 

And besides, I'm going to be a baseball widow soon.  I hate baseball and would rather be on the internet during baseball season.  I watch basketball with my rl bf from time to time, but I'm hardly crazy about basketball either. 

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Hi Melita, Yes and no; it varies.  I mostly know partnered avi's at the clubs I hang out with 'cuz I run from the trance Dj's (I don't want to be put in a trance plus I need some sort of melody) and perhaps a lot of the peeps in oh say their 20's are hanging at the trance, rap, rave type clubs and they are on the make.  But I don't want on the make.   I want anti on the make.  

What I'm looking for is a jealousy free zone type of club where it says, leave your jealousy at the door and dance with whoever u want.  Several people in a night if they want too.  It could be a lot of fun because it won't have the pressure of partnering... it's just your totally free living SL music club.   No balls and chains allowed, lol. 

Also, I know people in their 20's and 30's who love, love, love oldies.  Try going to Big Daddy's; it's jammed packed.  People don't want trance or rap too much; it seems to me the oldies are the most popular according to what I've seen. 


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I was talking about clubs I've been to (LONG time ago) in SL that play 80s music (qualifies as oldies, yes?) and the romantic ballroom types of places, too. 

Yes there were some couples, but there were also many, many unattached wallflowers mostly sitting or standing around.

It seems like what you want is a 'swingers club' since you want attached people who are looking to cheat? I'd say, try Zindra, or join some adult groups there. I don't know how much you've looked around before, but, just from reading a lot of profiles since 2008 I can tell you such groups already exist in droves.


ETA: Even if you say "leave drama/jealousy at the door," people will still ignore it, or even go out of their way to create it. Which is sort of what I was hinting at before.

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