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Looking for friends from the Uk or europe


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Hi everyone! IIt has been awhile but I am finally back.This coronavirus has given me more than enough time on my hands and this time I am looking for friends from the UK or around Europe.Time difference is everything, which is why I am looking for people that are on the same timeframe or at least two or three hours ahead of me so that I will have people to talk to and spend time with.

I am 26 years old and I am a black girl who role-plays as an Asian character.I love anime and I love reading manga.I love pretty things like pastels, pretty coloured donuts, rainbows, unicorns, fairies, fairytales, Unreal stuff that is beautiful. I spend my time on second-life exploring And the occasional shopping. I recently got back into role-playing at a community called Fox Hollow and I am very much looking for people to interact with and have a great time. I am often  judged because of my choice to play as an avatar that is not the same skin colour as me. In fact people think I’m weird, but I think that second life is a place where I can be whoever I want to be where I can live any fantasy that I wanna live and I can just step away from all of the horrors of reality and just be a completely different being, period. I love music both in writing it and listening to it. I also like writing poems.I find poetry very soothing. I recently took up art during lockdown and I’m hoping to get better at it. I do hope that I find someone here that I can make great friends with. I am also looking for family. I have one sister and we have been sisters for 10 years. However, we are looking to add more people to our family so that we have more engaging interactions and a better, more  fun, role-play experience. If you would like to meet or chat don’t hesitate to contact me i world @mrsmancino resident. Another thing that I do is change my look often here is my most recent look. However by the time you contact me I probably won’t look like this. (Am I considered a Shapeshifter?) looking forward to meeting all you interesting people.


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