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Looking for a cheap adult parcel under 1024 square miles.


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I also like to note this is my first time putting up a wanted advert so I'm just an amateur, I'm trying ok.

-I'd like to buy a parcel, I'd kinda like to pay once and be done with the matter.

-Name your price as long as it's pretty cheap, the highest I'd go for is 4,500L$ but since I'm just going to be buying the L$'s before I officially strike the deal I can go a bit higher.

-I'm kinda picky about the environment so I'd like to view the surrounding area. Most of the reasons why I didn't just buy any that I've looked at the in-game viewer or the marketplace is because of how out of place most of the other parcels typically are in comparison.

-Preferably in a furry-friendly area. Not much to say here.

I'm sorry if this comes out as kinda needy but honestly I'm having trouble finding a place that I'd like.

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