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Looking for someone who is a starting escort


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I am currently starting a business as an escort. I have a location built and am looking for a single person to work there. It could turn into a partnership. I am an escort myself and the location is a bar with beds I take my clients to. If you are interested in participating by bringing clients, escorting, or hosting please contact me. I will show you the bar if you are interested. I want this to be a two person project, so if you are new I can help you get better escort avatars with my earnings. All of my L$ is spent on improving my location and services. Eventually I am wanting to partner on the current land. If you need L$, depending on how much, you would potential make as much as I did. You would have access to all the same clients as me. 

I am looking for real girls, however voice chat is not required. 

Thanks you for reading :) please message me in game if you are seriously interested and want to see the property. 

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