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BOM Eyes, They are red!!!!


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Hi Berriepie, 

I actually think that your mesh eyes need to be able to use BOM (bakes on mesh). And then you need to make sure you are not wearing any Alpha layer for your eyes. BOM doens't go toghether with the alpha layer. If your eyes are able to use BOM, you can just wear it and the BOM will automatically hide your classic avatar eyes. But I found out for me that not all mesh eyes are working with BOM. They are just not enabled to work with BOM. So make sure you figure that out first, good luck <3

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2 hours ago, BerriPie74 said:

I tried to apply baked on mesh eyes, with the alpha first, but they didn't show up.  Now my avatar's eyes are stuck being red.  


Red means that you have an eye alpha on. You don't need system alphas with BOM. Take it off and they'll revert to the proper colour.

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