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🐉 Clairede Dirval LIVE @ The Dragon's Tail Tavern TODAY!!! 🐉

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The Dragon's Tail Tavern is PROUD TO PRESENT:

Clairede Dirval Performing LIVE!!

on Nov. 21st @ 12pm SLT.

Full time road musician in RL for over 25 years. Now here in SL playing a plethora of venues. Clairede plays guitar & sings a variety of songs and styles. She cut her teeth on country & blues. She has played for bikers, cowboys, sailors & three piece suits. Semi retired from the road, she found SL, the road is now a short walk to her PC.

So join us at the Dragon's Tail Tavern for this awesome LIVE event!!! We are a newly opened venue located on the Deviant Tranquility Sim. We play a wide variety of music from all genres. We provide a drama free, MC Neutral/Friendly, Vet/Military Friendly adult atmosphere for your enjoyment. We have a large riding track connected to the tavern, so come take a ride on the Dragon's Tail while you're here! We are an ADULT SIM, therefore we DO NOT ALLOW child avatars!

TAXI - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deviant/155/68/1780


Edited by xAlassrax
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