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crash after login

Avril Dudek

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Hi everyone, I don't know if there is still someone on the forum who can help me.
i was using a laptop for sl (asus n53sv) which was pretty good. unfortunately it is in assistance and I have installed firestorm on the desktop after changing the video card.
The problem is that sl crashes me after login, it lasts 2 minutes at most ....
I post the configuration of the pc, hoping that someone can help me

HP compaq 6003 pro brand
Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
Intel i5-3470 3.2 ghz
8 GB of RAM
nvidia geforce gt 730 4g
Hd 500 gb

below the log file



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The info you can give us from your viewer's top bar Help -> About[ViewerName] will be helpful, too.

Copy.paste all of that into a post here. (If you can grab that info while logged in, a little extra info is obtained. If not, just get it before logging in. It's all helpful!).

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