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Anubian Jackal seeking Employment


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I am looking for a position basically anywhere I can stick my nose in. Dabbled in a little bit of everything. Started out as an freelance escort and did that for 5 years. Mostly other male clients. So I have a lot of experience there. Great with RP and often can sit in any RP environment. Have a at least a basic understanding of avatar design, Interior design, texturing to a degree, photography on sim. If you want examples, you can message me here or or shoot me a text on Telegram (@pharaohluis).

I'm otherwise a nice yet just kind of person. Will act good in most situations. Open minded. Very right brained creative thinker.

Works on EST (Live in Pennsylvania, USA) more of an afternoon/late night lurker, but able to adjust if need be.

Thanks in advanced,

Luis Wolfe

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