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Toxxxic Insanity is looking for YOU Crazy Peoples to join our team!!


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Calling all night owls, caffeinated freaks, hosts, and killer DJ's from all 4 corners of the globe!!!!  Tired of being another name in the staff pool? Toxxxic Insanity is looking for dj's and hosts with flair, with a crazy sense of style . We like to consider you more family then simply just a "staffer". We have some of the craziest, friendliest and most open minded people currently working for us. Drama is not encouraged nor is it accepted as part of the club scene. Our goal is to be a 24-7 club but we need your help to fill in those hours of incredible insanity. We offer creative freedoms that many places stifle or throttle. Toxxxic Insanity is open to ALL styles, ALL types, all craziness is encouraged here!! We encourage you to stop in and grab an app, or hit one of our managers up inworld or leave us a nc and we will get back to you asap to get you an app and set up a brief interview/tryout.The events we hold are absolutely incredible and our volume is just increasing all the time with a steady awesome lot of rowdy VIP's!! We will not make empty idiotic promises like so many other places on the grid. We are a family and a very tight knit bunch of friendly open minded people who love what we do. Got a flair and style that will blow the world away? C'mon down and lets see what ya got!! Just please leave sanity at the door, it's not needed here Smiley Very Happy


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