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Re-Taking the lost folder


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It's a pitty that I lost all the items in my folder. 

I had a folder called "DRESS" where I put all my dresses which I like there. But one "beautiful" day, when I opened my folder "DRESS" again, but I couldnt find it in my inventory and all items were lost which i couldnt find again. 

I cleared cache, I deleted all the folder in C/ driver in my computer, and I re - installed but it didnt help me to have that folder "DRESS" again.

So please how can I have all my items again? 

Thank you. 

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Just residents here, no Lindens read this.  Sorry we can't give your missing items back.  However, they aren't really missing, they are still in the asset data base, just not making it to your viewer''s inventory.

Read this page: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/archive:fs_missing_inventory_fs469?s[]=missing&s[]=inventory

It is about firestorm but you can use the advice on any viewer.

If none of that works, then you'll need to file a support ticket.

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