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Linked Objects Physics Layer Not Updating in Upload

Trasee Darkwatch

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I've been making some houses and other structures that are made up of multiple objects in Blender. For example, each wall would be its own object. I make each individual LOD level including the appropriate physics level. All levels are aligned in the exact same location in the final collada files, since they all start at high, and get optimized from there.

When uploading the combined object into SL (both with the latest Firestorm and LL viewer) it will occasionally not import one or more of the physics levels, so you cannot walk through the door, for example. When editing the object in the linkset, there is no option for prim, as if no physics layer was uploaded. This does not happen to all the objects in the linked mesh, but appears to be completely random.

To add to this, if I import the single object separate from the combined object, I'm able to set the mesh object to prim and the physics level works just fine.

It is more painstaking lining up the mesh objects individually in SL as opposed to a single upload that is linked automatically. What should I look for in Blender to make sure I properly export the various collada files so that SL imports it properly? Or is it something on the upload panel in the viewer that I need to check?

As a note, I do click "Analyze" to get my physics layers to be recognized. As mentioned previously, it doesn't happen to all the objects in the mesh linkset. I just haven't found a pattern to it yet.

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A specific naming convention for your objects in Blender will do the trick to keep things in order.

It looks like this from high to lowest LOD, and physics shape.



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Thanks. I went back and looked at the object names and discovered that my physics layers didn't always have the same name as the rest of the object. I thought I had checked that previously, but guess I didn't think of it. Your naming convention was useful in helping me to isolate that issue. Along the way, I discovered that the _LOD2... etc wasn't necessary, that the Blender defaults of .001 - .004 worked the same way.

cube - High

cube.001 - Medium

cube.002 - Low

cube.003 - Lowest

cube.004 - Physics



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