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Blender help...?

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I have tried to make a fox head with the Sculpting and Editing modes, after fixing it up, It has 'extra holes' :(

The 'extra holes' were located next to the eye sockets, and when I previewed it in Second Life, the extra holes eat up the prim.

How do I remove those extra holes? :/

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It's hard to answer the question without seeing what you've made.  "Extra holes" could mean any number of things.

My guess is you made the model as an arbitrary mesh, without consideration for the requirements of sculpties.  If that's the case, the answer will be to remake it with the proper topology and UV structure in place, from the start.  Sculpties are like origami.  They're made by taking an existing surface, and bending or folding it in 3D space to form a 3D shape.

Think of it a bit like wrapping a Christmas present.  The wrapping paper takes on the shape of the gift, but ultimately, it's still just a piece of paper, nothing more than a 2-dimensional rectangle.  Sculpties are just the same.  No matter what shape you make them take on in 3D, they have to remain rectangular in 2D.

If you haven't done so already, watch the Machinimatrix tutorials for making sculpties with Blender.  It's a really fantastic series.   http://blog.machinimatrix.org/3d-creation/video-tutorials/



By the way, just in case you didn't already know this, arbitrary mesh support in SL is currently in public beta, and will be implemented into the main grid in the coming months. (Don't ask for an exact date, because no one knows.)  Once it hits, the need to bend over backwards to make things out of sculpties will all but disappear.  You'll be able to make any kind of mesh model you want, and import it directly.  Sculpties will still have some uses, but at leas 90% of the uses they have now will be better served by arbitrary meshes.

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Based upon the smootheness of your object I would say that your mesh has more then 1024 faces. All Sculpts must have 1024 faces. NO MORE, NO LESS. You really need to review the technical specs for sculpts. I relieve that this seems like a pain in the ass, but sculpts are indeed a pain in the ass. You HAVE to follow exactly the steps outlined by others like Gaia Clary until you have made many successful sculpts on your own. There are no shortcuts when it come to making sculpts.

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Mmmm...  Not quite sure what you mean by 'and when I previewed it in Second Life, the extra holes eat up the prim'. I can't really see any extra holes in the screenshot you provided.

I was, however, wondering if it could have something to do with the stitching type in world. When you apply the sculpt map to the prim in world, make sure you set the stitcthing type to the type the original base object had in Blender.

- Luc -

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It looks like you used extrude to make the eye sockets. This is generally a bad idea as the new faces get a uv unwrapping over the entire sculpt image. You either need to manually fix the UV layout, or delete the offending faces and bake the sculpty. Import this sculpt map (Primstar will fill in the holes) and then remodel the eye sockets by moving existing vertices rather than using extrude.

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hmmm... i made a screen grab from the sculptmap and examined that. of course it had very bad quality, but it does not show any obvious errors. A screenshot from how your object looks alike in the SL-viewer might help. Maybe you can publish the sculptmap and maybe also the blend file. then we can tell you in 10 seconds what's up with your sculptie...

two guesses:


  1. You forgot to check "lossless compession" while uploading ?
  2. You face an inside/out problem. ?


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