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gummy gumball machine


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i post this a while ago over the street and I been meaning to do here. So I do now

i tidy up the flow a bit so is not quite the same as that other one. but anyways


a gumball machine is a bit different from a slot machine. Meaning that the result of each pull/spin/turn is dependent on what has previously been paid out. Unlike a slot machine where each pull/turn/spin is independent of the previous

basically a gumball machine will empty when a player keeps playing it. The outcome being that when a person plays to the end then they will get everything in it guaranteed. Unlike a slot machine for which there is no same guarantee

for a gumball machine player then it isnt: Will I win a rare? It is: How long will it take me to  win the rare (and how much will that cost me)


about clocker defend

clocking is when a person watches others playing a machine. If they put heaps into a machine and not win the rare/jackpot/etc and give up then the watcher/clocker swoops

this script defends against this by resetting itself when each new person plays. Each person then has the same probability as every other person of winning the rare


the other thing this gumball machine does is never pay out the same prize twice in a row. A person who plays only two turns/spins is guaranteed to not get the same prize both time. Which people like. Not getting the same


// example gummy gumball machine
// version 0.3
// Public Domain January 2015 irihapeti
// will give out all the gummys in the machine contents
// in some "random" order and then refill itself
// so that a player wont get 2 gummmys the same in a row
// and if they keep playing will get all the common gummys in
// best case: not less than gbM-1 turns [exactly 1 of each common
//  gummmy] and worst case: not greater than 2*gbM-3 turns
// for rares
//   if gbC = 3 and gbM = 5 (which incl. the rare) then rare is
//   guarantee to be given 1 in each set of 13. 3 * 4 + 1
//   altho from a players pov they more likely to play bc can get at
//   least 1 of each common in max 7 turns. 3 + 4 
//   if gbC = 4 and gbM = 5 then is still 7 for the commons. and now
//    4 * 4 + 1 = 17 for rare
//   the shortest period for rare is: 2
//   the longest period is: 1 + (gbM-1) * gbC * gbC
//   e.g: if gbM = 4 and gbC = 2 then 3 * 2 * 2 + 1 = 13 
//         | x123 123 | 123 123x |  where x = rare
//   gbM = 3. gbC = 2. 2 * 2 * 2 + 1 = 9
//         | x12 12 | 12 12x |
// usage: reset script after loading the gummys in machine
//        give permission for refunds
//        then just pay to play
// change these to whichever
integer gbP = 1;      // L$ price to play gummy gumball
integer gbC = 3;      // number of rounds in which 1 only rare will be given
string  gbN = "rare"; // name of the rare gummy
// internals
list    gbL;  // index list of gummys currently in play
list    gbW;  // listcopy of gummys in machine excluding rare
integer gbG;  // this gummy to give
integer gbI;  // indice of this gummy to give
integer gbJ;  // indice of this round
integer gbK;  // indice of rare round
integer gbM;  // total number of gummys in machine
integer gbQ;  // number of gummys for this round
integer gbR;  // indice of the rare gummy
key     gbY;  // key of last player

gbS() // shuffle n pick
    if ((++gbI) == gbQ)  // then shuffle
        if ((++gbJ) == gbC) // rounds exhausted so pick new rare round
            gbK = (integer)llFrand(gbC);
            gbJ = 0;    

        integer n = llList2Integer(gbL, gbQ-1); // save last item of old list
	gbL = gbW;                              // get copy of commons
        if (gbJ == gbK) gbL += [gbR];           // add in rare if rare round  
        gbL = llListRandomize(gbL, 1);          // shuffle
	gbQ = llGetListLength(gbL);             // save length of new list
        integer m = llList2Integer(gbL, 0);     // get 1st item of new list    

        if (n == m)  // 1st of new list is same as last of old list so swap it to a later place
            n = 1 + (integer)llFrand(gbQ - 1);
            gbL = [llList2Integer(gbL, n)] + llDeleteSubList(llListReplaceList(gbL, [m], n, n), 0, 0);
	gbI = 0;  // reset the list index
    // next gummy in list
    gbG = llList2Integer(gbL, gbI);

gbA()  // reset machine
   gbL = gbW;
   gbQ = gbM;
   gbI = gbQ-1;
   gbJ = gbC-1;    

      // set machine

      gbM = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
      if (gbM == 0)
         llOwnerSay("is no gummys in machine");

      // get gummys into list. mark the rare
      gbR = -1;
      gbW = [];
      integer i;
      for (i = 0; i < gbM; i++)
         if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, i) == gbN) 
            gbR = i;
            gbW += [i];        
      if (gbR == -1)
         llOwnerSay("hmm! cant find the rare: " + gbN 
            + ". check your typing ok");
      // for refunding if SL bork
      llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); 
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
        if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT)
            state play;
state play
      llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [gbP, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);
      llOwnerSay("gummy gumball is set to play. woohoo!");

   money(key id, integer amount)
      if (amount != gbP) // shouldnt happen this but might if SL bork. is money so
        if (amount > 0)
	   llGiveMoney(id, amount);
           llWhisper(0, "eep! you paid the wrong amount. "
              + "so we refund your L$" + (string)amount + " ok");
        // if amount < 0 then is a serious SL serverside error like totally


      // clocker defend. reset everytime is a new player
      if (id != gbY)
         gbY = id;
      // all good. so give gummy     
      llGiveInventory(id, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, gbG));
      if (gbG == gbR)  // then rare given. add bling here as you like
         llWhisper(0, "woohoo! you got a rare gummy \\o/");
      else // common given
         llWhisper(0, "enjoy your gummy ok (:");

      gbS();  // prep for next play





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