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Help with making a texture changing HUD for appliers!

Lex Macabre

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Hi All :)


I am just stuck on this right now -_-

I am new to creating on SL.....I have managed to figure out how to make appliers for my textures in clothes, that I want to make for mesh bodys in SL

The part im stuck at and wanting to do, IF even possible, is to make my applier's for my clothing texture....then build a HUD/find a script that I will be able to change the texture for the item instead of uploading 10 appliers of the same clothing.

Is this even possible?

Do I need to hire someone to write me a script for this?

Is there any kits that I could buy to achieve this?

I found this script online and guide...will this work??


or If someone could direct me to a place that might have this information that I can read and learn I would be so greatful!


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Well technically you are making a HUD already for the 1 texture applier right? Well instead of just using one or two buttons on that HUD for perhaps different layers also, just put all of the buttons in one big HUD with all the different colors and layers. It would really depend on what appliers you are working with and how their scripting works, but for most appliers it's not difficult to make larger HUDS with more buttons. 

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Yes I am :)

I am currently using maitreya dev kit and the omega dev kit

maitreya dev kit script is hidden....but I have the notecard which im able to add my textures/UUID to

omega script is hidden as well ....but they have a config script to which I add my texture/UUID to. They said in part of their information that the buttons in the hud must match up as the script is scripted this way to tell which button you press ie top layer, bra or tattoo

I have NO clue in scripts as this is all new to me but learning more as I figure it all out.

If I just added more UUID's to the script would that work? Im thinking not tho as that would be to easy lol

Someone mentioned to make all the appliers then put them into one HUD and it would work that way but im thinking I need a seperate script for this?

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you are going to have to upload the texture for each color like you would if you were making system clothes to get the UUID for the color you want. With both the Maitreya and the Omega, each button is a separate applier with the UUID that you are mounting on a background so the owner can wear the multiple hud rather than separate huds for each color. There is no way around it. Even the Slink, you have to name each button then have the matching name, layer and UUID...ie red,SHIRT,UUID.

http://gyazo.com/7893bf629bab8944b7ca2c339b80fb6b is an example of my Omega hud for for one of my tops. The extra square behind the button is the texture the top is. Basically, you have a background piece that's a holder for the individual applier huds for each texture you want to use. It's the only way to do it with the scripts the way they are.

Technically, what you are doing is system clothes for the mesh body. The SL viewer takes care of the application for you on the default body when you wear an item. You have to do it manually for the mesh bodies, so one item per applier. The mesh body only allows one texture per layer, just like the SL bodies did back when I first joined.

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