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Maya, Uploading to SL, mapping Issues maybe

RavenSkye Waverider

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I posted about this about... I dunno 10 months or so ago and resolved the issue but.... I stopped trying after that and well had a job in RL... but getting back into it again. So, if this is a repeat, I'd like help and not slapped for not getting further research. I'm confused enough as it is.

Just saying :p

Anyway, this may seem long, will add as many images to explain as I can. I am using Maya, was 2014 an dnow 2015. Same issue with both. Same issue with all viewers, same issue with beta grid and normal SL. Just to have that covered.

So, I created this Shoji Lamp in Maya, shadomap baked texture, all works great in Maya, looks awesome. Colored it in Photoshop just for testing with random stuff for now so I can be sure I knew what I was doing on SL upload itself.

Uploaded the mesh then uploaded the texture created for it. The texture doesn't show, if I play with it enough I can get some of the color part to appear at the bottom (oy), no planar is a bad idea, just not mapped in a way for the UV to read the mesh properly or vice versa.

Last time, issue was that there were 5 maps, it's only has one map, checked that with maya.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Here are the images to explain some things better.


Maya's uv (even after coloring)



What it looks like in maya all textured (though it's just basic colors for now)

lamp texture update in maya.PNG


Second Life, after uploading. it doesn't read the map

second life lamp.PNG


I am not sure what is going on, everything I upload has this issue. I have nearly given up on it and tried to get into other things but there's something I really wanted to make and lots of other things but it's frustrating.

Everyone I know uses Zbrush or Blender, I hate blender tried to learn that.. zbrush is beyond me. So I can't get help outside here. Any constructive help is great. Anyone wanting to just tell me to research more and want to just hit me for not finding info on their terms really don't need to respond. I have seen a bit of that going around and really isn't necessary. (yes, annoyed by that lol)

I've got a lot of help before though and it's always been very helpful.


Thanks :)

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It does look like the UV mapping isn't being kept when it's uploaded. I don't know Maya so I can't recommend anything other than the obvious there (make sure you're exporting and saving after the unwrapping's been done). I would recommend bringing it up in Blender to see if the file itself is incorrect or if it's not until the SL upload that it's getting weird. Either way, Blender could fix it up if Maya can't.

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It's not a channels issue, there are no channels like mentioned. 


I am about frustrated with all this and there is very little help. It's great I can make things, I just can't get them to SL properly. Not sure what else to do as there seems to be no help. I don't want to use blender, tried that and it's also too frustrating to deal with



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Well, whatever I just did seems to be a trick. Here is what I did, this should help others hopefully too.


I exported as normal and I end up with a mapping system apparently that can't be read properly on SL as images above show. I took out in Maya Hypershade, the shadow and amb inclusion links AFTER I baked the shadows and it created a shadowed uv texture, then just used the lambert material. 

Exported it, uploaded to SL, put the shadowmap UV generated by Maya onto it and it works fine now.

Odd because, I dont remember having to do it that way in the past. All that frustration and I was about to light SL, my computer and Maya on fire. Sheesh.




Thanks for trying to help :) Much appreciated

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Sometimes Maya makes junk Nodes created during the modeling process.  These junk nodes can mess up the DAE file.  I have had it happen and end up with no UVs in SL.

I tried deleting the history of the mesh and copying and pasting the mesh into a new scene and nothing worked.

What ended up fixing it was exporting my mesh out of Maya as an OBJ file then importing it back in.  This gets rid of all the junk nodes and other not needed links and data.  I then export the DAE file without applying any textures or anything to the imported OBJ mesh.

Luckily I don't have to do that very often but when a mesh won't upload or loses its UVs exporting it out as an OBJ and importing it back in almost always fixes the problem for me.

Hope that helps. :)

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