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How do I make a Slink applier HUD?


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Hello, I have skins and I've already made the templates for the hands and feet for the Slink kit I've ordered. Bad thing is, I have no idea how to make a HUD and I have no idea how to put the textures in with the HUD, making the applier do it's job of applying the texture.

I'm sort of am new at creating on second life but I'm experienced in how to make textures and apply them in the LL body, clothing, etc.

I know Slink included instructions but I don't understand them too well. I mostly need to know how to make a simple one-click HUD with a transparent texture for my shop logo. (I've tried this but it turned up being invisible on all sides)

Could anyone help me with a step by step guide for dummies?



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Hi Kittooi, i'm surprised that nobody got to this before me.

I'm going to be quite frank in my reply because i've just looked through the Slink applier instructions and they're pretty detailed, i'd not do much more then copy and paste them which I appreciate wouldn't really help you.

However, at the bottom of the HUD instructions notecard it does say this:-

"Please contact me by IM if you have any issues setting up this system"

So with that, you'll get the best support by contacting the creator who i'm sure will be more than happy to support their product.

Siddean Munroe is the creator behind Slink, viewing her profile asks that questions be sent to Slink Resident.

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Don't be shy, *most* (not all) but most creators are happy to help especially when it's if the instructions aren't clear.  It might be just one step, it might be advice to get a different type of help but it's the best starting point. 

I know that in my case, i've got all sorts of different, extra resources available to me, including multilingual support staff but sometimes, there's only so much that you want to put into instructions without it being an overload.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Slink system isn't that hard if it works anything like the appliers huds for clothes. Basically, you use the provided scripts. You create your hud base. I added buttons for the one I made for appliers. You then name the buttons. Next you use the notecard format provided. (button name),body part,UUID..one line for each button or body part. Drop the card into the base, then add the scripts. The scripts take care of assigning the texture to the button specified. A skin may be a bit more complicated since you want the upper and lower both applied with the one button, but it should still be basically the same procedure.

Good luck.

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