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Why isn't there a 'mesh ripped from game' option?

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IvanBenjammin wrote:

Ok, well I'll raise my hand as someone who creates original mesh and posts on the forums, but you're right - we seem pretty thin on the ground. Its discouraging seeing people post comments along the lines of  'I don't buy mesh, its all ripped from other sources', but I guess that's understandable if you've been burnt before. Its also unfortunate that a creator needs to build a reputation for NOT ripping content. Guilty until proven innocent, as it were.

I would think that the type of persons who have the attitude toward content creators which you've described here are an extremely small minority of the SL population.  On the contrary, it seems as if most people in SL are completely oblivious to the fact that IP theft is even something with which to be concerned and wouldn't know what ripped content was if the fact that it was ripped was emblazoned on the box in which that content came.


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That's reassuring. It can be hard to gauge popular opinion from these forums, considering its already a minority of people who post here.

Not so reassuring that people are ignorant of what constitutes IP theft. It occurs to me that that's one of the reasons for that silly test that authorizes you to upload mesh - One cannot claim ignorance as an excuse.

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IvanBenjammin wrote:

That's reassuring. It can be hard to gauge popular opinion from these forums, considering its already a minority of people who post here.

Not so reassuring that people are ignorant of what constitutes IP theft. It occurs to me that that's one of the reasons for that silly test that authorizes you to upload mesh - One cannot claim ignorance as an excuse.

I would not be surprised to see the test added for any one opening a new store on the Market Place either.  I see the test as rather self serving for LL.  LL has Safe Harbour protection but Safe Harbour can be challenged in Court and even if they won (which I think they probably would) defending themself could be quite exspensive.  So I see the test as an additional level of protection for them, a point they could raise in Court.  Actually I am surprised the test is not alreadt required for all new Merchants as well as retroactively for old ones.

As far as 'Mesh Creators' in SL we need to recognise there are two categories.  Those who actually create mesh and those who use other peoples mesh in their creations.  I think it is those who actually create their own meshes that are the minority although I have no way of really knowing.  What I do know is that many clothing merchants are obtaining their meshes elsewhere and then texturing them.  So we wind up reading many complaints about 'copycat' (not necesarily copybotted) clothes.

When it comes to the number of people who wont buy mesh because it might infringe on IP, I think that is a miniscule number.  I've personally never had any one say to me, "I won't buy Mesh because it might be ripped."  The only place I have heard this has been in the Forum here and a few scatterred comments elsewhere.  And afterall, people have been screaming about ripped content in SL for as long as I've been in SL.  But when I first joined SL it was the last thing on my mind.  I only became aware of the problems after I'd been here a while.  I have a personal interest in the subject (copy right infringement) because in RL I worked in the music industry for many years and know the negative impact it had on me.

Personally my biggest concern and one I heard voiced a lot when mesh was first introduced is this.  It really opened the door to people who had no actual interest in SL to sell their goods here.  In other words, just take the money and run with out putting anything back into SL.  So when it comes to my buying habits I look for an In World presence.   Do they have an In World store?  Do they have a group they communicate with their customers in?  Will they take a little time to answer questions or help someone having a problem? 

So what if you can make a better airplane or boat or even a gas can?  Even if you don't want to do a whole store at least rent some space at an airport or a marina to help support the places where I can enjoy your product.  Make clothes?  Rent a booth or some ad space at a club where I will wear your clothes.  The relationship needs to be simbiotic. At least to me that is the more important issue.

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All good points Perrie, thanks for your reply.

Its a fair assumption that mesh creators are a minority, simply because its a specialized skillset that takes a lot of time to get proficient in. Texturing is as well, but the learning curve isn't quite as steep.

The symbiotic relationship you describe is just good business, regardless of a merchant's motivations. I can't see anyone making a sustainable income by dumping their products into MP and not engaging with their customers. Most people I've spoken to have similar shopping habits to you.

Admittedly I did come into SL because of mesh - its what I do. But I do have an in-world store, a group and mailing list, and engage with my customers. It is business to me, but I support the economy by buying clothes and paying rent etc.

Oops, slight thread derailment.


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IvanBenjammin wrote:

All good points Perrie, thanks for your reply.

Its a fair assumption that mesh creators are a minority, simply because its a specialized skillset that takes a lot of time to get proficient in. Texturing is as well, but the learning curve isn't quite as steep.

The symbiotic relationship you describe is just good business, regardless of a merchant's motivations. I can't see anyone making a sustainable income by dumping their products into MP and not engaging with their customers. Most people I've spoken to have similar shopping habits to you.

Admittedly I did come into SL because of mesh - its what I do. But I do have an in-world store, a group and mailing list, and engage with my customers. It is business to me, but I support the economy by buying clothes and paying rent etc.

Oops, slight thread derailment.


You can begin to recognizes quickly the difference between cheap dumped (not necessarily stolen) mesh and well done work.  For instance you constantly see the invisible line at a waist line. 

But it seems sadly that many are too willing to accept the flaws in the dumped products.

One of my friends had bought the weekly discount item from a Merchant and while I was dancing with her I could see through the jacket collar from the inside.  The inside of the jacket was NOT textured!  My friend asked the Merchant privately about this.  The Merchant asked in her group what everyone thought about the outfit.  Around 20 people responded that they thought it was wonderful! There were no negative comments.

That to me was very discouraging that people would accept that kind of work. 

Fortunately there are a lot of people who won't settle for slipshod work or SL would start to look trashier than it already does in many places.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

You can begin to recognizes quickly the difference between cheap dumped (not necessarily stolen) mesh and well done work.  For instance you constantly see the invisible line at a waist line. 

But it seems sadly that many are too willing to accept the flaws in the dumped products.

One of my friends had bought the weekly discount item from a Merchant and while I was dancing with her I could see through the jacket collar from the inside.  The inside of the jacket was NOT textured!  My friend asked the Merchant privately about this.  The Merchant asked in her group what everyone thought about the outfit.  Around 20 people responded that they thought it was wonderful! There were no negative comments.

That to me was very discouraging that people would accept that kind of work. 

Fortunately there are a lot of people who won't settle for slipshod work or SL would start to look trashier than it already does in many places.

I'm a perfectionist, especially with my own work, and I agree its a shame that people accept shoddy work. I see it all the time, even with some of the most popular merchants out there. I try to keep my judgements to myself after being scolded by a friend for putting others down :) . I figure most people don't know any better, or simply don't care.

But that's their business. I'll keep building to my own high standards and count on the people who do care finding me and buying my stuff! :D

Another year or two, when all the major viewers support Materials, and creators have come to grips with them, SL will look fantastic :)

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