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Terrible LAG! Problem with "Viewer Texture Memory Buffer"

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First, this is my pc config:


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU         530  @ 2.93GHz (2940.66 MHz)
Memory: 4024 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit  (Build 7600)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.2049
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0


I recently bought this video card. Previously had a 9500GT that was a problem in cooler, i had to leave him open with a ventilator to not get lag. So, talkink now about this GTX 650.. i'm with her almost a week, i buy him hoping to have a rate of fps better in somes MMO. Perfect fps at all on max. Now on SecondLife I'm going mad. i can set all in max ( AA 16x / shadows + all i can set at max ). My FPS is same if u put all on minium. I log on SL all oki, but after 7~10min my fps down to 1~5. No matter if sim have 30 ppl++ or just me. thing that not happen with my old 9500GT. Afters 4 days tryng all, i find this option "Viewer Texture Memory Buffer", I decrease this near to 144 and bingo! no more lags, i can set all on max and i not have more lag. But my av and anothers avi keep textures blur and reload all the time without stopping. compared to the lag problem is nothing, but bother me cuz i dont have a crap pc to have a bad experience on second life. So anyone know what might be causing this problem? Btw my driver is latest of geforce.

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First, this is my pc config:


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU         530  @ 2.93GHz (2940.66 MHz)
Memory: 4024 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit  (Build 7600)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.2049
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0


I recently bought this video card. Previously had a 9500GT that was a problem in cooler, i had to leave him open with a ventilator to not get lag. So, talkink now about this GTX 650.. i'm with her almost a week, i buy him hoping to have a rate of fps better in somes MMO. Perfect fps at all on max. Now on SecondLife I'm going mad. i can set all in max ( AA 16x / shadows + all i can set at max ). My FPS is same if u put all on minium. I log on SL all oki, but after 7~10min my fps down to 1~5. No matter if sim have 30 ppl++ or just me. thing that not happen with my old 9500GT. Afters 4 days tryng all, i find this option "Viewer Texture Memory Buffer", I decrease this near to 144 and bingo! no more lags, i can set all on max and i not have more lag. But my av and anothers avi keep textures blur and reload all the time without stopping. compared to the lag problem is nothing, but bother me cuz i dont have a crap pc to have a bad experience on second life. So anyone know what might be causing this problem? Btw my driver is latest of geforce.

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I'm not a Nvidia user but I suspect this could be a driver issue. You seem to be using the latest Nvidia driver, version 320.49, and there have been reports by a number of people on gaming forums that it is troublesome and crashing games. 314.22 is suggested instead as being a reliable driver but there could be good versions in between as well. Check on Nvidia Forums or perhaps someone using your card here with SL can advise. SL places a stress on graphics cards that few other games do.

If that doesn't fix the problem, perhaps its an overheating problem with your computer (have you cleaned inside especially all the fans) or even a serious memory leak in whatever viewer you're using. What viewer are you using and have you tried an alternative? Your card is 1MB so should be able to run SL at the full Texture Memory Buffer of 512MB with no issues whatsoever.

Download Nvidia System Tools, which includes the Nvidia System Monitor and see what your card is up to. Maybe the fan isn't working right. http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_system_tools_6.05.html

You could also try Open Hardware Monitor, a great free utility that monitors the hardware in your computer and you can easily see if any components are overheating or fans misbehaving. http://openhardwaremonitor.org/


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Hello Nyll thank you for you repply.

Take a look in this screeshot:


This fps rate i got when i change my camera position, after somes seconds fps go to 10~14.

No matter if my graphic is lower or high, this is my rate.

But if i decrase "Viewer Texture Memory Buffer" to 144 fps up to 40~60, problem is always refresh textures, its sucks :/

When i close some programs like google chrome, performace in-game turn to better, but little better.

I clean my computer inside 1x per week, he is totally clean with no dust or dirt in any part/fans

Actualy i have just one fan ( processor ) and the other is from geforce.

I try make test opening my pc and put a big ventilator per 1hour +-, no changes in-game.

Maybe my video card is not working properly or may have a problem?


this is the driver you indicated?


what i need do to install him? i need remove my actual version on control painel?


Thanks for you help :)

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Everything seems really hot to me.  Here's mine for comparison.


If you google, you'll find lots of evidence that suggests that you're PC is far too hot e.g. someone else with the same CPU as you and nothing like your temperatures. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/281592-28-maximum-safe-core-temps-core

Since it's the whole system that's hot, I would suggest a completely different case with lots of big fans.   My case has 2 12cm fans for the hard disks, another 12cm one at the back of the case and a 23cm fan at the top of the case and my CPU has a big heatsink and fan.

Even if it doesn't solve it, your system is less likely to kill itself due to heat.

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Forget the Nvidia card for the moment. Having looked at the Open Hardware Monitor stats, your CPU looks to be running very hot at 90 / 91C and is probably throttling back leaving you struggling in SL after so many minutes. Install CoreTemp and that will give you the TjMax temperature for your CPU and according to the CoreTemp instructions, your CPU should run no more than 20C below that (some sources suggest 20-30C. Time to check your CPU heat sink and maybe redo the heat sink thermal paste or install a better cooler. I used TIM Cleaning Fluid and ATRIX Thermal Compound when redoing mine. ARTIC is another recommended brand of thermal paste. You'll damage your processor running it too hot.

Intel safe operating temperatures according the i530 specs are: Minimum/Maximum operating temperature  5°C - 72.6°C

I have an i5 750 Lynnfield gaming chip which is highly overclocked from 2.7 GHz to 4.1 GHz and I don't get anywhere near your temps (stats below after about 20 minutes in SL at a very busy sim) but I do have water cooling. My temps are usually around late 40's-early 60's in SL. Far as I can recall, my system is set to throttle back if the CPU cores reach 72C or over for any period of time. The case has three fans including a large 200mm one at the side and the water cooler fan.





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Just to further the temperature debate, you can download the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool which will also report on various factors including how it's operating within temperature range from here https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=19792

I'm still curious as to whether it's the excess heat from the CPU transferring to the motherboard or whether the whole PC is just really badly cooled because a motherboard temperature as high as yours is very wrong too.

Edit:  Oops that was to original poster not Nyll :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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whata shame!



I was stupid for forgetting about computer temperature

And more stupid thinking the problem is viewer.

My CPU using 84% and i have just sl + chrome + skype open. i really need a new fan for my processor

Maybe just processor fan will resolve my problem? my cabinet dont have mutch space, i think i just will can add 1 more fan to help in ventilation.

Btw, last time i clean my processor fan, the gray paste was completely dry

Thanks all for help, I still will take a while to buy a new fan but i will post hire atfer get him.

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Something that you can try in the interim is to set a couple of debug settings:-

MaxFPS, if you find your PC able to exceed say 30 fps, the you can set this to 30 on the basis that you're not going to benefit visually from seeing it much faster.  Once the FPS reaches this, time will be yielded to the other apps on the PC.

YieldTime, Another setting which will force the viewer to give up processing time back to the PC and not hog the CPU.  Play with values from 20 to 100.  The viewer will run a bit slower but whether you notice it or not will vary on the setting and how important it is.  What it WILL do is make the PC run a lot LOT cooler.  

If I run one of my laptops without it, the laptop keyboard can get as hot as 70 degrees C, it becomes unusable because it's just too uncomfortable to touch.  With it set at 100, the laptop runs cool all day, really cool.

Those may help you while you wait to make other changes to your cooling.  I'd also be interested to know if that brings your motherboard temperature down as it seems likely that it's soaking a lot of heat from your very hot CPU.

You may do well to look at a new case with better overall ventilation and fans.  Looking online, you can find one that won't cost much more than trying to buy fans and other parts individually.


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Hi Sidofox,

It's easy to overlook things. When my computer began to sound like a jet engine and overheating, I eventually discovered I'd forgotten about the water cooler fan filter, which was hidden from sight, and it was so clogged up with dust the cooler was not working very well. I'd even replaced the thermal compound by this time in an effort to solve the overheating.

Simply replacing the thermal paste may very well be enough to solve your overheating problem. All the paste does is create an airtight seal between the processor and cooler plates so there is full contact and heat transfer. Once you break the seal or the compound has cured too hard over time, it will no longer be able to conduct heat well, so you have to start over with clean surfaces and fresh compound.      

It's an easy procedure to replace the thermal compound and will only cost about 10 Euro or so.




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