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Major mesh problem!

WhiteShark Zadark

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What does it look like in the bind pose?  If the pose in the second pic IS the bind pose, then that's likely a big part of your problem right there.  Put the skeleton back in its original position, and zero out all the bone transforms.  Then use an animation to pose it the way you want it in-world.

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Heya  you can do such 'offset placing' of the selekton on your model.

I have done the same with my earthwalker:

But there are some things that you really need to know about going this way:

First off say good buy to most premade animations and embrace the news that these kind of characters need their own custom anims.

While still a majority of animations made for humans will kind off work for them - many won't. Due to their completely different anatomy and body alignments.

You also made something that causes lots troubles (you can do it but you really need to know what youre doing to make it work, just many things that can go wrong). You didnt make him fit to a straight T-Pose. try to stay as close as possible with this certain bodyshape and anatomy to the T-Pose of the origin Skeleton!

You will make your life easier when you change the arm and leg positions of your model to rather fit a straight T-Pose, like this:
and then delete all existing weights and vertex groups - and parent it fresh to the armature.

Also forget about copy and pasting weights to such different shapes from the weights of a default avatar. In experience it's way less work to start with automatic weighting and clean that up, than fiddling with weights that have been made for a complete different anatomy and topology.

But back to the bones. You can make it work even in T-Poses where you rather fit the skeleton to your mesh then the mesh to your skeleton. But in that case you have to pay closest attention to bonerolls and  influences. So in case you are new to it, i'd rather suggest you to make your model fit to the straight T-Pose of the default skeleton at first.

Especially the legs and arms. Or you will easily run into these kind of 'flipped' arms/legs problems.

Also take care what skeleton you have used - if was a female skeleton that you modified, and you wear this rig on a male avatar you will have lots things flipped and wildly wrong.

Once you created your mesh to fit better onto a straight T-pose and you still need to move bones in editmode a bit down/up, left/right to fit to your mesh.. do yourself a favor and do it 'only' on orthographic frontview or clean side or top view. To avoid funky boneroll values.

Try to exclusively 'move them" (G) in editmode and orthographic views and do not 'rotate' them.

Regarding your screenies i bet you have some fancy bonerolls going on. (and possibly the wrong skeleton, which is the second reason things could become so wild)

And keep in mind you won't be 'easily' able to animate such a deformed rigg. You need either to make yourself a special animation rigg for this as well, or tweak the regular animations skeletons behaviour and offsets to fit this.

I found it best in this case to work with .anim files opposed to .bhv since the anim files can store bone-offsets as well. And thus deformations like these will be possible.

But your shark should still be able to be made fit to a regular skeleton layout since its head doesnt have such an extreme angle as i.e. my earthwalker.

Just a few tips to keep in mind. And then even something like this can behave good in worn/ animated mode and



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yw =) i've actually used a female skeleton for this one. but i guess you are having a male avatar so using the male version would make more sense. (and avoid a lot issues)

You can get a file with everything you need for rigging here: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avatar-workbench/
Make sure to grab the right version of the workbench for your blender version. (scroll a bit down there is a list with the workbench files)

It contains (separated on the layers) a female avatar with female skeleton, a male avatar with male skeleton, and a make human avatar mesh.

Make a copy of the workbench file, grab your avatar and get it in. and kick out what you don't need from it and save it along with your custom avatar. I tend also to duplicate the armature /skeleton once and put it on an own layer in case stuff goes wrong you have allways something in the same file to return to.

And when your mesh is parented with automatic weights onto the male armature, make sure as described above to only move the bones and their joints on orthographic front and top view. That keeps nasty rolls off from happening. (to switch into orthographic view: CTRL+5 or only 5, and again to return to the perpective view just the same shortcut. 3 for frontview and 7 for top view)

PS: i have seen on your screenshot you have obviously not been on the betagrid to test your mesh. Don't do that. Go to the betagrid and upload it there for free (you will have a given amount of linden dollars on the betagrid, which do not correspond with your real Linden Money = it's free. And do the upload to the maingrid first when everything works.) Same goes for textures etc. Especially with all the weight refining and testing.. this will safe you a lot money !

To get on the betagrid, make sure the 'grid choice' option is enabled in the login screen  - press while in the login  screen : Ctrl+Shift ⇧+G this will bring an additional dropdown menu next to your password etc. Choose there 'beta Grid' (or Aditi).
As Location you can type in: Pathtest1. And once you are in just open the map and do a search for sandboxes. there are several mesh-sandboxes you can teleport to.

Important note: even if you enabled meshupload in your main account, you will need to do this IP tutorial again for the betagrid under this link: Aditi IP Tutorial Start: | Second Life

If you run into more problems feel free to post again. Happy creating !

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again an amazing post! 

I know about the beta grid xP but at the time I couldnt get on, and was rareing to go....so xD I said fudge it and did on the main...it was only 30 l's so it wasnt that big of an issue. 

and I have one last problem, and its waighting...I cant seem to get the head and neck down....I kinda need help in the department D:

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I am almost sure all you need to do is to apply scale and rotation in object mode before exporting.

However if that's not the case you can send me the blend file for inspection. ( use http//pasteall.org/blend and send me the download link in IM or by email if you like so)

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Your object has an object rotation of 90 degrees in X:

This breaks everything!

- go to object mode
- select your object
- in the 3D View's footer locate "Object"
- navigate: Object -> Apply -> Rotation & Scale


Now you can export export.

Hint: You have one vertex on the left foot assigned to the right wrist bone.
And one vertex on the right foot assigned to the left wrist bone.

Here is what i mean demonstrated on the left wrist/right foot:


Furthermore i found that some of your vertices are assigned to more than 4 weights. SL does not like this and you might need to clean up a bit more before you export.


Also be sure that you import to SL with joints.

And finally be prepared to still see some distortions when you wear the mesh because you most probably also need at least a customized stand pose for your mesh. otherwise it still might look a bit weird.


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For the rotation just apply it by navigating to Object -> Apply -> Rotation & Scale.  "Apply" means in more detail: "reset scale and rotation to their neutral values without affecting the mesh", thus after Object -> Apply -> Scale & Rotation has been called, the new rotaion will be <0,0,0> and the new scale will be <1,1,1> but the mesh will not have visually changed at all.

For the cleanup of the weights you go to weight paint mode, then select Weights -> Clean and play with the operator values.

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I posted you (and for others too) a whole thread about what i did to fix the file.

Please read here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Ways-to-fix-a-problematic-Avatar-Rig/td-p/1947773

in order to know what 'you' will have to do now to finish this file and to make it complete, and to see what actually has been wrong with this model and its rig.

PS: i sent you the file back by mail, but you will need to download the blender version i have posted you in the above link, in order to open it and be able to edit it.

Cheers, Code.

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