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Newbie mesh question


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I am building a house in sketchup and using blender to figure it out on the way. but in blender there is a few things i cant figure out. i have a wall that on one face it is divided into 3 sectrions for different rooms and i want to texture those three in different ways  for each room. the back is solid. is therer a way i can texture it in sl and not in blender? if so is there a specific way to do it? im veyr new to blender and been reading and watching youtube videos.


Thanks sincerely Country

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To texture in secondlife just simply assign a different material to each section of the wall. While it isn't the optimal way to go about it (UV unwrapping then texturing in an external source would be best) it will provide an easy way to do what you are trying to achieve ( or at least what I think you're trying to do) 

Just simply select each face, go to the material tab, new, assign, select next face, new, assign ^.^ Can test out the materials that are applied correctly by deselecting everything then clicking a material and hitting select. It will select the assigned area.3-wall.png


(Right click and open image in a new tab if you would like it larger)

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I should mention real quickly that in my personal opinion the best way to do this is with one single texture, applied in a very nice UV map. Youtube some UV map unwrapping and editing tutorials on youtube or just browse one of my favorite sites (http://cgcookie.com/blender/)

The reason behind this is while it works with material assignments it has a limit of 8, and it will create more lag for the rendering user. IE rendering one texture for the whole wall is a lot easier than rendering three, Server fetching, user downloading etc :)


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I do not think that there is a "best way to do this". It really depends on what the user wants to achieve. I can imagine that for a house you could want to get different textures on each side, so there is nothing wrong with that decision.

However you also should check if your creation can use tilable textures. This can make it possible to use a very small brickwall texture for example to texturise an entire house with very high texture resolution. Then maybe you want to use one material for the sidewalls, another material for the roof, one for the windows, one for the doors, etc..

So using different textures on one object could be the way to go. This would make even more sense if the textures would be reused on many houses in a region for example. Or think of customizable houses with different roof textures, window styles, etc...

Yet you still can merge all textures into one single texture. And that has advantages like Frawmusl mentions. So you see there is no "right and wrong" here.

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blender boolean modifier is disabled skipping apply. now im using boolean to cut holes in a wall and i get this. i tried selecting the main object first than the one that is gonna be the hole. and than i go to the wrencch and add boolean and i get that. any help with that i tried looking every where and most are doing the w key shortcut but mine brings up something else not the boolean.

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I would have thought a Country boy would be a little more practical when it comes to building , is that really the way you  put up a wall ,Brick in every thing and then knock out bricks to have window and door openings ? :)

Of course there are many ways to model in mesh , I have taken some screen shots of another way of doing it .

It looks very complicated but really its just setting out the wall foundations by staritng with a single vertex, adding a second to have a wall thickness and the duplicating those 2 a few times where windows and doors would be on a plan then joining them up. When the floor plan is complete ,selecting everything and extruding up .........................

Also doing this way you  can have very accurate edge lengths which can make things simpler , all walls thickness's in this example are 0.2m.foundations 1.png

What all the above is for is clearer in the following images....hopefully .......

foundations 2.png

foundations 3.png

foundations 4.png

foundations 5.png

If you make window and door openings mostly the same size then when you come to doing the frames you will only have to do one of each and it will fit the others............. well i'm sure you get the idea :)

Have I ever built a house like this ........................ ummmmmmmmm no , lol


Edited to correct an error in step 4: it should read .........G, Y -0.2   (and NOT as i wrote G, -Y, 0.2, )

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this is what im  trying to do. im building this for a person that likes to change textures alot. so its the  reason i cant texxture it in blender. and when i do the holes i get a bunch of triangles and such. is there a way to combine those faces to make it where it can have seperate textures. i know im a pitb. just a new guy. i can do anything in sketchup but this one is a different beast of a program.


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Hi again

Wall 1.png

Next Assign a matarial to each part of the wall that will have a different texture when rezzed in SL. A mesh can have up to 8 textures assign to it for use in SL , here i have used 4.

Note: I have duplicated the wall just so that you can see the front and back in the same image . Don't you do that  lol .

Wall 2.png

So that the textures in SL can be mapped to  the different parts of the wall you will need to UV Unwrap the wall mesh .There is already a screen layout setup for that, which you will  find from the Screen Layout menu .

Use the Smart UV Project to unwrap. This is a simple unwrap where you don't need "seams" and will give you something recognisable  :)

Wall 3.png

Next select the unwrap and resize it and rotate (if neccasary) so its up the right way. Rotating it now will save you having to rotate the textures in SL.

Wall 4.png

Now you are ready to export and upload to SL.

With your wall mesh selected  go to File > Export > Collada (Default) (.dae) and the export window will open .

In the panel on the left find the Export Collada menu and check Selection Only then save the file to somewhere you can find it again.

In the SL mesh Uploader you can leave the first page, Level of Detail, as is. Go to the second page, Physics and in Step 1 choose High and then in Step 2 hit th Analyse button . This has now created the Physics shape of your mesh wall and its door openings .

Note: If you were modelling a whole house then you would have created a seperate mesh to represent the physics of the model and selected that in Step 1 instead of High. and depending on how your physics mesh had been constructed you would or would not have used the Analyse button in step 2. This can have a big effect on th Land Impact of a mesh . Your mesh wall is very simple so the above is quite ok in this case.

Wall 5.png

Nearly done .........

If you rez the wall you will find that you will not be able to walk though the openings ! Thats because the default Physics shape is Convex  Hull ( think of it as if someone has stretched clingfilm all over your model closing all the openings.) You need to change the Convex Hull to Prim .

Rez your wall, Edit and open the Features tab , and  from the Physics shape type choose prim .

Wall 6.png


Ok now go to the Texture tab and make the whole wall white, If you don't  do that the textures you put on the wall will be tinted with the colours of the materials that you asigned in Blender .

All thats left to do now is check the Select Face from the top of the Edit panel and click on a face and add a texture.

Note: you will need to play about with the texture Repeats, Horizontal and Vertical to get the texture to look right .


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