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Erm.. Harro! :3


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Harro everyone! :3 Tried out SL years ago, though I wasn't anywhere near as interested in RPing as much as I am lately. Had a close friend drag me by the tail back into the wonderful world of SL, and I've felt overwhelmed with how many unique and interesting places there are to explore! I also decided it might be a good idea to stop being such a shy little shark and try meeting new people and post something - so here we are!

Umm.. about myself. Oh boy, this is always the part I'm terrible at. *Rubs the back of her neck.* Well, I just moved cross-country the other week, starting to settle in. Been using the opportunity to explore myself, be more comfortable with who I am, and try all sorts of fun new things and meet new people, yay! As for interests, I love playing video games, or anything else on ze computer. I really enjoy writing - whether it be silly stories about my friends, or just jotting random stuffs down in a journal. And amg dancing! Though I generally only do that by myself, because I think I look super silly doing it. x3

I'm absolutely awful at closings too, so.. yay? Yay!

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I'm just about settled in, just getting used to the cold again - moving from Arizona back to New York. And snow... eee how I didn't miss it! >_____>

I'm super picky when it comes to video games anymore, mainly when it comes to graphics. I absolutely love RPG's, my favorite I've been flopping about lately being Guild Wars 2. It's really hard to get me into an FPS game, but I've really been enjoying Borderlands 2 - probably because of all its randomn sillyness. x3

Eee nuu not meh journal! Waaay too many personal stuffs in there. >///> And as for Pop Rocks shenanigans, ish a possibility! I think I've written up some essays for friends waaaay back when I was in high school. They would give me a vague description and somehow I would manage to spin it into a fanciful tale. x3

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A Very warm Welcome back to SecondLife ^-^ I'm kinda in the Same boat you are, but I decided to be on SecondLife for 2 years before I felt I needed to explore and have some fun X__x

I figured I would give a Hello though ^-^ As I saw that you like to game on PC. There are not many Gaming groups in SecondLife so it's kinda awesome that Gamers have been popping up everywhere lately :D Guild Wars 2. hmm. ya know I just bought that game from the Store about a week ago today and I found out that my Processor is no longer up to date >.> I can run the game, but it kinda looks like poo D:< and my Computer i just have for over a year in September. I normally am simply on WoW though, which I can run as smooth as a bug ^~^


But yeah! :D If you ever need someone to explore with you I am so open for that =3 I need some adventure in my SL and I am always up for some new friendlies! 

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