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Smart Texture hud help


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First im sorry for my bad english. I have purchased this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PXL-SmartTexture-for-DESIGNERS/1489642

But i cant use it because i dont understand what is mean "faces"

This my hud pic: http://s16.postimage.org/bsc4j53np/hud.jpg

it says The sintax: HUD_button_name|name_of_the_destination_prim_to_retexture|UUID_key_of_the_texture_to_send|faces

i fill all line but i take this error (line number) ERROR: Syntax Error. how i can fill it who can tell me this with simple language? 

i try this: color1|Bordo_Mesh_Sweater|*UUID*|1

its not work help me please :( i try to contact with creator but s/he is not answer my question bad service :/

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All objects in Second Life have at least one face, or surface, on which you may apply a texture.  A simple cube has six faces, for example.  Many LSL scripting functions that change the appearance of an object will ask which one of the faces you want to change.  You might want to change the color or texture on the top of a cube, for example, but not on the bottom or one of the sides.  You tell the script which face to change by identifying its face number or, if you want to change all faces, by saying ALL_SIDES.

Here is a long by very well-written explanation of how faces work in Second Life, and how you can tell which face is which >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Face  .  I know that it tells you much more than you wanted to learn.  Pay attention to the last bit of information at the end of that page, however ....  Finding the value of a face.  I think that's what you really need to understand for your problem.

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Face is another word for side. It simply is a prim side.

If the creator can not help you, my best advice is that you find someone to translate for you, someone who master your native language and English.

Tell me what is your native language? Maybe someone in here can help:)

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@Rolig Loon thank you very much for your detailed description. Script give me error for first line. my first button name is black1 but i take error. i learned face mean right now. thank you very much for this.

@Dora Gustafson thank you for your advice and information. my main language is turkish. i hope someone know turkish language from here. 

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It sounds as if you almost did it correctly the first time.  You wrote color1|Bordo_Mesh_Sweater|*UUID*|1 .  That would be correct if

color1 is the name of the HUD button

Bordo_Mesh_Sweater is the name of the object that you want to texture

UUID is really the key for the full-perm texture you want to apply to it, and

1 is the number of the face that you want to put the texture on.

Here are some possible problems:

1. You may have misunderstood the directions.

2. You are typing the word "UUID" instead of typing the key of the texture.  You can get the key (that is, the UUID) of your texture if it is full perm and in your inventory.  Just right-click on it in inventory and select "Copy Item UUID".

3. Your test says that you have an alpha texture on five faces of your object and an opaque texture on face #4. Perhaps this means that you should place the new texture on Face #4, not face #1.  I do not know.

4. You are applying a simple texture to a mesh object that may expect a more complex texture. Was your HUD intended for applying a texture to mesh objects?

Ultimately, if you cannot figure out how to do this, I think you will have to contact the merchant who sold you the HUD.  There is no way for anyone in this forum to understand how your HUD works, because we cannot see its script.  (Also, that is not what this forum is for.  This is a forum for scripters to discuss scripts that they are writing.  It is not a place to discuss how to use a commercial script.)

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Thanks for your answer.

Im not write UUID i was paste full perm texture uuid

i have textures for hud buttons. i was use 

whatever thank you very much for your help. i will try make it work. i hope creator is answer my question. thanks again

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