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Full Region for Sale - Tier Date 22nd

Felix Wagstaff

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This sim is going back to LL this month if I cannot sell it. Don't like my price? Make me an offer. Still a good amount of paid tier on this sim and its ready for transfer to your estate today. Don't miss a chance to grab a sim without paying the 1000.oo setup fee.  I am lowering my asking price by $100. All terms remain otherwise the same.

I have one Full Region for sale. This is a full 15,000 prim region. Details:

Asking Price: $450.00 US (Negotiable)

Transfer: The asking price includes all transfer fees.

Teir Date: 22nd (Tier is paid through 6/22/2012)

Terms: Region must be moved and renamed


Please contact me or my in world manager (seanabrady Resident) with any questions or to discuss a sale.

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