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Maya Rigging - Inverted skeleton?

Starcat Twine

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So I've been tryign to grasp rigging in Maya. I had just finished getting weight painting done with my test model and went into SL to see how it would work. However I came across a problem once it's in the uploader itself. While in Maya I've got the model with Z-axis as up, and the object is facing via X.. in the uploader it's orientation is different. Also with Skin Weights enabled it makes it do this awful back bending. 


When worn the arms seem to move properly, but everything else is a mess. Any clue as to what I'm missing or doing wrong here? Help is greatly appreciated, I'm pulling my hair out here!


Maya Screenshot - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33583164/mayass.jpg

SL Uploader Screenshot - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33583164/uploaderss.jpg

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What version of Maya are you using? And how do you export it for SL? Are you using FBX converter to dae from Autodesk? I have only gotten correct results using FBX converter UI 2011. What I used was Maya 2012 for painting the weights then exported out as FBX then went to FBX converter ap and had that turn it into a .dae file. It's not as good though as Maya 2011 since collada dae is supported for Maya 2011. So if you're using Maya 2011 and the collada export plugin I'd assume it should work but I have not tested this yet. I'm working on a model myself and have to see if it does. But I can say from some testing the .dae file created from open collada plugin in maya 2011 works much faster when reading it with SL viewer and so far correctly reads the data in the file to get correct orientation. I want to suggest deleting history but at times that can break the rig binded to the skeleton. So if you try it make sure your rig is still binded with weights correctly deforming your model. Also I see part of it might of been created in Zbrush since your mesh has zbrush in the title. You could try changing the name of your mesh since sometimes my uploads fail because of the long title and word zbrush in the title. Doubt that will correct your weights but every little bit helps making sure SL takes your character and doesn't fail to upload. So example just naming it Mesh for starters in outliner will help with the upload bug I get myself.


It's really touchy getting good results though. Usually quite a bit of work using Maya. It's worth it though I find maya interface easier then blender even though you can switch the controls over to maya preset in blender.

From what I can see your SL file does look to be correct orientation though. Possibly loss of data in the .dae file is my assumption so far. Let me know how your exporting though that might be the issue.

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