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The Wastelands, Post Apocalyptic Living!

NeoBokrug Elytis

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Whelp! After our big restructuring, we don't have much land available at all. We do have a few parcels left, so come grab 'em while you can.

The Wastelands is the oldest and largest post-apocalyptic themed residential estate within Second Life.
Here, you won't find clean and stylish homes, pristine and luxurious beaches, noisy dance clubs, tawdry sex palaces, or any of the glitz and glamor more common to Second Life. But in our parched deserts, rocky expanses, and rank swamps, you'll find beautifully ruined buildings, precarious shacks, and mysterious assemblages of abandoned material, most of it created by the people who live here. From hidden underground bunkers to teetering swamp huts on stilts, from burnt-out vehicles to nomad's tents, from helicopter concert stages to trap-ridden combat pits to ball courts to trade posts to working drive-in movie theaters, The Wastelands is filled with creative, detailed constructions.


Fort Stygian
Fort Stygian
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
Fort Stygian (84,224,73) - 2346500512234~L$540
Fort Stygian (240,83,69) - 2346500512234~L$540
Fort Stygian (41,202,69) - 2346500512234~L$540
Fort Stygian (180,74,70) - 468130001024468~L$1090
Fort Stygian (124,235,71) - 3509722768350~L$810
The Great Fissure
The Great Fissure
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
The Great Fissure (90,241,72) - 2346500512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (28,172,71) - 2346500512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (93,202,71) - 2346500512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (234,227,72) - 2346500512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (52,180,65) - 2346500512234~L$540
Cape of Ruin
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
Cape of Ruin - (56, 98, 58) - 3509722768350~L$810
Cape of Ruin - (64, 44, 66) - 3509722768350~L$810
Cape of Ruin - (56, 122, 56) - 3509722768350~L$810

* Tier Rates are approximate, since we convert L$ to USD on the fly for each tier payment. We actually use the USD rates listed here.

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