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Events at search page: Everytime same places

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Can't tell you what's up with the events listings, other than the same people spamming them day after day (which is allowed, btw; "You may currently post up to 5 events per day (including event edits). In addition, your friends will now be able to post events on a parcel that you own.").

ETA: Have you tried looking for events on this page instead?

As for why your picture never appears here... see How to create a cool forum avatar \ badge.

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Hey .

I mean, i never appear here (at search) with picture with my event :) not on the forum

And with this link, this page     , here i appear but who search here?

When you open the search window, what do you see first? Events and Classifieds.

That's not fair to see always the same and the same places and who really needs to appear it doesn't

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