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Please advise laptop specs with i7 processor which NVIDIA CARD??????

Sca Shilova

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Hi all,

Iknow I really need a desktop for machinima but i'm needing to be mobile so laptop it is. I am prepared to sacrifice some detail, like shadows for example.

Can someone please advise me on the minimum specs i would need.

So far i'm thinking i can get away with an i5 processor, and 6GB.

Do you agree and which nvidia card would i need with that?



Sca :)

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One of my frustrations over the years is the lack of authoritative information about what hardware is needed to run SL well.  Fortunately for me, I usually don't have to use a laptop.  So in your place, I would get the best I could afford of each component.  When I looked to see what was available, I was surprised at how much power can be bought for not too much money.

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