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Parts of mesh disappears on checking "Include Skin Weights" on rigged mesh uploader

Fianna Idora

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Been mucking around with the avatar workbench in Blender 2.6x trying to figure out rigging - starting with a simple mini skirt.

I applied custom weights to the mHipLeft and mHipRight vertex groups the rest of the groups as far as I can tell all seem to be set to 0.

When I try to import my dae , in the preview it looks fine at first, but when I check 'Include Skin Weights' parts of the mesh seem to disappear - it kind of looks like only the parts that I applied the custom weights too are there.

I'm just winging the weights thing so I have likely done something wrong - any idea why faces would dissapear once the include skin weight was checked?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi, I had similar problem with weighted mesh before,holey avatars not a great look,, 

my holes appearred due to some vertexs not having weights assigned(painted) like yoou suspected unweighted  not show on rigs , 

believe sl accepts 4 weights per bone, upto & including the value of 1,

keep mucking with avatar workbbench, learn so much,but I dont think Gaia explains weight painting in the workbench tutorial so viewing here   might be helpful 

or if site completes reconstruction check blenderguru & rigging tutorial.


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