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Sneak Peek: Shaking Up the Terrain with Physically-Based Rendering

Cosmic Linden


As you may know, Second Life is soon adding the ability to import and edit GLTF Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) Materials. This upgrade to Second Life's graphics engine allows for more realistic surfaces, better reflections, and a more modern workflow for artists. You can learn more about PBR materials on our wiki, or try it out on the beta grid using its Release Candidate Viewer, available here.

We thought we'd give you a sneak peek of one of the features we are working on next: high resolution PBR terrain textures. While this work is early in development, we will discuss ideas and development at the Content Creator meetings, which all residents are welcome to attend. In the near future, a PBR Terrain viewer will be available on the Alternative Viewers page. We look forward to your feedback, and in the meantime, enjoy the pictures!




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