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Virtual Cultures in Pandemic Times Premiering in Second Life

Linden Lab



Virtual Cultures in Pandemic Times is a new feature-length documentary by Draxtor. Since March 2020, Draxtor has been following UC Irvine Department of Anthropology researchers Tom Boellstorff, Evan Conaway, Chandra Middleton, and Sandy Wenger around Animal Crossing and Second Life to find out how the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping online interaction.

Watch the world premiere in a virtual theater, along with other Residents, at the Film Threat venue in Second Life on Saturday, April 2nd at 1pm PT. 

After the premiere, there will be a Q&A session, so stick around and interact with Draxtor and more of the cast and research team!


You can also catch the premiere on Draxtor’s YouTube channel. Watch the three minute trailer before the premiere!

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