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Rivernaut Piers

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  1. I've tried some of the remedies found on Google and still no joy. Just got the Spacenavigator this week. Using FS 5.0.1 (Dec2016) Opensim 64bit Win 7 Pro64 and no other programs open. The SN only zooms forward and backward on one axis. Using default settings in View & Move for joystick. 3DxWare sees Firestorm, and shows in the title. Any advise or links to help would be appreciated.
  2. So far I'm bust. The ones I found in Google don't play in SL. Thanks for your help and Happy Holidays.
  3. Gotta love people who, rather than being cynical, come up with a solution like Constantine (Artorius Constantine) has. Simply build one and then give it away for free. Thank you very much, Constantine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  4. thx, I've tried searching MP, that's why I'm asking for something specific if anyone knows of an inworld store. I'm looking specifically for inflatable yard ornament
  5. I'm asking here because I've wasted enough time and about to give up. I can't find any Christmas inflatable yard ornaments. Thanks for your help
  6. I will keep that in mind, and you may expect a call from me in the future. TY
  7. Do I understand correctly, that after rezzing mutiple mesh objects for landscaping on my estate parcel, that I should link them to reduce LI? How many obj at most should be linked? half doz? like link 6 trees together, then 6 sand dunes, etc Thanks for you advise
  8. I'm not a builder. I'm a user that disfigured his home accidently. I 'stored' the home rezed with the Rez-Faux, then took it into inventory. As I understand it, it should remember the position of home. The home is full of objects and I want to rerez it so that all the objects lay in their relative places without me having to edit/move them all over the place again. So now what do I do? Take the Rez Fauz out of inv and derez the house, then rerez it? Does it matter where I drop the Rez Faux? - Thanks for any advice you can offer.
  9. Sounds to me like you need a revokable trust and a power of attorney to act on the behalf of your estate.
  10. Having a problem where ever I go with previous tenants TPng into their old rental. The owner provided HippoSecurity has a 15 sec delay. I want my own device that will log intrusions and eject them immediately. Will a personal orb work in a rental when not owned by the rental group? If so, which devices are compatible with rentals for the tennant (non-owners) and cannot be deeded to the rental group. Thanks for your advice.
  11. Some landmarks have red pushpins; what special designation does a red pushpin indicate? Are there other colors besides plain brown? - TY
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