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  1. Don't want to crush your ego old chap...but you may well find that whoever knew you before has totally forgotten you now
  2. Reminds me of a SL business venture I was involved in. Me and a partner came up with the idea of 'donut di cks' - male genitalz that couldbe worn for the 'obvious' - but with a HUD enabling a partner to throw a round donut which would land on the male 'member' - up to 5 donuts per member, then it started again - fabulous novelty item, sold hundreds - then my partner found God and became a SL preacher at a church and forbade me from selling the donut di ck as he was ashamed of the past - I have lost numerous linden dollars thanks to God - but now I am working on a new product, a special fishing rod / HUD that also enables you to bug your partner's chat...
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