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Second Life Audio Player.

Bard Wasp

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I've done some searching here and if there is much on this subject, I'm not finding an answer.   

I understand why DJ's and entertainers can't stream AAC here but Ogg works like a champ as well as mp3.   Listening tests show that using an off world player like foobar and winamp are superior to the player used for as far as I know, every viewer used for SL.


My guess why the offworld players sound better is really pretty simple.  They probably aren't using old codecs for playback. 

Does anyone know if LL might be thinking of at least updating the codecs or even thinking of switching what software is including in the viewers so it might be possible to us to use  AAC someday?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, that kind of thing is usually very low priority, so I wouldn't hold my breath to see a codec update. I remember seeing some screenshots that showed captures of outside streaming vs. SL ogg streaming, and there was visible quality-munching happening in the latter, why it's there is anyone's guess!

I think what happens is, various audiostreams on input are probably force-converted to OGG at a certain bitrate, in a lazy way that "gets it done", even if it's not getting it done right as far as pristine quality preservation. If we found out what this certain OGG bitrate is and use that for your program material, it might be possible to avoid the double conversion and quality loss. Just a theory, though.

The upside is that as a DJ or performer it's no use worrying about things like this anyway, as we live in the day and age of quality-munched audio. It's expected by listeners, their ears are used to it thanks to ipods etc., and if it wasn't there (if you provided pristine quality audio) they might even feel something was "off" with your stream!


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