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Gandr Nakamura

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Everything posted by Gandr Nakamura

  1. Money is made to Skrill, there is even enough money to get 2500 lindens, but when I want to buy the 2500 lindens it does not want to go there. Why? I would nearly begin to think something wrong with my money that they do not want it. If that is the case, could I get things for free now then? Because this is really getting to become a pain. Every time again, I have to twist myself in all kinds of directions to find yet again a solution to the manner of how I get my lindens, then when I find it, it seems they come with a way to prevent me from buying Lindens. So, come on... What is the deal here? Does my money stink? Too low for you to even touch? What?! I have the money... I am willing to pay... but really Linden you guys make it very hard for me to even do so. Wanted that just said as well.
  2. Thank you Linden Labs. Paying for lindens with a paysafe card was my ONLY way to get even a couple of lindens without having to bust my ass off and enjoy the many joyable features sl has. I am single in real life, have not much left there, and it was for me something to look forward to. Now... you have taken it from me... again. Do you actually even want people to enjoy Second life at all or what? Why is it that every time I have found a way to at least be able to keep on playing SL... You guys come up with means to just ruin it for, not only me, but many people that have litteraly not much else left.Thank you for being boss over MY life LL... Thank you for ruiening that what I enjoy... Really... bought this week a 10 euro paysafe card and I can flush it now cause I do not use it for anything else... 10 freaking euro's, one fifth of what I can spend per week... I spend it on something I enjoy and you guys just strangled it... Really marvelous. I am so livid you really do NOT want to know. I have had it with the burocracy of bloody "Oh we have something but YOU will be eventually ruled out anyway" kind of behaviour of you guys. Get a bloody brain and realise that this is eventually what will be killing something that could have been great.
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