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Tattoo Lane

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Posts posted by Tattoo Lane

  1. Thank goodness its not just me ....................I've now been trying for about 3 solid hours to upload stuff to my Marketplace via the so called magic box. If that's magic I'd hate to see ordinary  it just isn't working ! Simple - it stinks .........

    Tattoo Lane


  2. Hi all - I'm just starting to try and reset up my shop using the latest magic box version and I can NOT get anything uploded at all. I've tried everything and its still not showing up in the shop. I have to put in a ticket to get my land restarted, as its mainland - and yeah I know its Saturday night, and I know there's been floods and power outages in the USA - however - this really shouldn't be difficult - if Caspervend  can let me upload stuff to his servers in seconds without problems on the same night - then why the hell can't LL let me do it too??? ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Hugs, grumps and growls

    Tattoo Lane

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