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Mephisto Brennen

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  1. thank you so much for hiting at the llSleep. I had no idea that excisted (thought i had to do this via the timer event). This solves my problem. Thank you so much!
  2. okay, i deactivated my other script in the other prim, and indeed, it starts working .. i am going to asume here that maybe my script is being updated to much? default { state_entry() { // create the loop do { list inventoryItems; integer inventoryNumber = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); integer index; for ( ; index < inventoryNumber; ++index ){ string itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, index); inventoryItems += itemName; inventoryItems += ", "; } llSay(-22, (string) inventoryItems ); } while (1 == 1); } } Should i build this in a timer .. or should i do a call from the other script to this script and let it respond with this? What would be best practise?
  3. list mainMenu; integer iChan = -22; integer iLsn; integer length; string main = "What would you like to do?"; string temp; default { state_entry() { iLsn = llListen(iChan,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay("Touched"); if(iLsn == 1) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), main, mainMenu, -12); llSay(0,"you made it"); } else { llSay(0, "retrieving data, one sec please"); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){ if(channel == iChan) { temp=message; mainMenu=llParseString2List(temp, [", "], []); } } } So decided to finally dive into LSL after what... 15 years. About time, I guess. I am just trying to figure out how I can access my mainMenu variable in the touch_start event via the listen event, cause this causes a hickup in my script. Long story short. I have one object that looks into its own inventory and spits out a list in string format on channel -22. If i use the llSay command with the temp message within the listen, i can get it no problem. So i comma seperated them into a list. But when I try to call up the list within my on touch event, i get nada. Occasionally i get something, but i can hardly reproduce it, so to speak i dont know where i have to look for it. I tried to build in items so i could see what happens, but it stays blank for me. If i remove the listen state event call in the state entry, i do get through the system, giving me the retrieveing data, one sec message. So something goes wrong with i guess the parsing or my code just doesnt want to handle it. Can someone take a peak?. Script compile is fine.
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