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Clematide Oyen

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  1. How to edit products removed from marketplaces for Item Not As Advertised-Incorrect Listing Category to choose the correct category?
  2. It works fine for me. But obviously it is a beta version and NOONE forced you to use it. There is an official viewer for people who wants not face a testing viewer. But anyway it works for me. So have you ever thought to buy a better PC or to do some maintenance?
  3. LOL. Keep the facebook buttons in my profile. NOW !!!!
  4. And here I am, the idiot troll according to Cummere. Someone told that the new web based profile sucks becuse it don't let people to send object dropping them to profile and this follows the LL policy: more click is better. Ok Let's do a fast comparison You want to share 1 object from inventory to 1 friend: OLD VIEWER: 1. open user list 2. open profile 3. open inventory 4 drag'n'drop object Total 4 clicks NEW VIEWER: 1. open sidebar 2. open profile 3 open IM 4. open inventory 5. drag'n'drop Total: 5 clicks It seems old viewer fans are right! New viewer needs 1 click more. But let we try the new method of sharing objects NEW VIEWER: 1. Open inventory 2. Right click on the object 3. Select SHARE 4. Click on the friend 5. Click share Total: 5 clicks. Old viewer always win. But now the magic: What is you want to share things to 5 friends? Old viewer: 1. Open User list 2. Open Profile #1 3. Open Profile #2 4. Open Profile #3 5. Open Profile #4 6. Open Profile #5 (In this moment you've the screen full of profiles.... wow, very nice) 7. Open inventory 8. Drag object to profile #1 9. Drag object to profile #1 10. Drag object to profile #1 11. Drag object to profile #1 12. Drag object to profile #1 Total 12 clicks NEW VIEWER 1. Open inventory 2. Right click on the object 3. select share 4 click on friend #1 keepin CTRL pressed 5 click on friend #1 keepin CTRL pressed 6 click on friend #1 keepin CTRL pressed 7 click on friend #1 keepin CTRL pressed 8 click on friend #1 keepin CTRL pressed 9: click SHARE Total: 9 Clicks! WOW It saves 3 click (with 5 users. Every user more you want to share it will be a click more saved in new viewer! AND NOW THE AMAZING MAGHIT AND MAGIC! You want to send 1 object TO EVERY FRIENDS! Old viewer Repeat the same you made previously for every friends you have. LOOOT OF CLICKS! New viewer 1. Open inventory 2. Right click on the object 3. select share 4 click on friend #1 5. click on last friend keeping SHIFT pressed 6. click SHARE WOW!!! JUST 6 clicks to send an object to every friends. AND WOW!!! IT WORKS WITH NEARBY PEOPLE TOO! Superspammers will be happy! They can spam a notecard to everyone around with 6 clicks! AND NOW THE AMAZING SUPER MAGIC FX! You want to send lot of object from different folder to ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Old viewer: You can't do it! You can't drag'n'drop multiple object, you can drag'n'drop only 1 object or 1 folder with all the object it contains but not objects coming from different folders New viewer: Click on each obect keeping CTRL pressed, right click on one of them and select SHARE. Click on first friend, SHIFT + click on last friend, click SHARE! That's all Amazing, isn't? Well, really people: learn of to use things before to post comments. SL2.x RULES! You want more? Forget that old stuff called Phoenix ! Try Kirstensviewer! Glassy interface, radars, transparency everywhere, new cinematic camera controls, radar with distance, zoomin and teleport to person and much more. And based on the amazing SL2.6.
  5. Amazing! YOU ARE USING THEIR PRODUCT! You joined. Noone forced you to do. This is their world. You can ask something not PRETEND it. You come at my home, I let you play my games and you pretend to rule? You can suggest something. If LL doesn't agree, just accept it or leave.
  6. Better. If someone in Facebook tags you as avatar, they will break Facebook TOS then. But nevertheless ALL the web sites nowwaday have I Like! for facebook or other tagging features. EVERY sites. Why to bother about LL Viewer? When you joined SL you knew you was joining a social network. I like social networks. I want them interconnected. If you care so much about your inexistant privacy (because it is really inexistant nowadays) just keep away from internet and from games or social networks. But you people have really so much tings to hide? Why?
  7. I don't need to talk inworld to you, I select my friends and the people i talk to. And you are not in that selection. I am so happy you know SO MANY Linden people. That's great! You are a very important person! Wow, what a luck I had to exchange some words with such a important example of humanity. Yes I am a troll, proud to be if this definition comes from you. I have all the rights to write my ideas in forum. If you don't like them, just don't read them. My request for build tool in sidebar is still open. If it will be shut down, ok, no problem, probably LL thought it was not good. But surely not because you said it is closed. Talk to ALL your Linden friends. 90% of people in SL has imaginary Linden friends. 90% of people in SL are great famous people with a great famous life. I wonder why all thos great famous people spends all its great famous time in the metaverse instead of living its lifes. I am a handicapped girl on the wheel chair. Not great person, not famous person and I've no Linden friends. And now I discovered to be a troll. But at least I am sincere and I say what I think with open minded. SL 2.x rules. You don't like it: go to use Phoenix. Not my problem. Ciao ciao.
  8. You can get raped also walking on the street. It is not facebook woh helps maniacs to rape people. LOL. Everyone can be linked in facebook. But anyway in SL your AVI will be linked. It is incredible how people sees the problems in everything when LL does it. But everyone was using emerald that could really break your privacy or a TPV that has no assurance that will not shar eyour password or IP address. Be smart, don't lose your time to invent problems which doesn't exist.
  9. This is totally false. 1. Sidebar panels are detachable so they can become floating windows again if people prefer to have them floating. And they are resizeable as well. 2. Editing tools for clothing and so on are still in the sidebar 3. Sidebar is good because you can edit the prim and move it around without the problem of to move the floater away from your sight when the prim goes under it. 4. The build tools in sidebar WAS NOT shot down. People should know things before to talk. Sidebar is a recipient for the windows you want to park while doing other. IT is fast to open/close and keep away from sight without to lose the tool you're using. The minimized windows STAY on the screen also if they are minimized. They sucks. Dock them in sidebar and hid sidebar. You have the whole world before you and nothing floating on it. When you need to see the tool again one click and it appear. You need to resize: detach it. THAT's ALL. Great, fast, clean. Future. Build tool IS NOT RESIZEABLE. Its place is in the sidebar.
  10. Great job LL. The new viewer is getting better and better. Me as all my friends and lot of people I know already was loving the new clean interface, it was time to make a revamping to the ugly old interface. It was becoming too much old compared to other products in the market. SL2.x interface is amazing and we apreciate alot the sidebar. Now finally the profile is going to be a real profile, web2 oriented, social networking oriented and interconnected with the other networks. We was waiting this. Just make profile pictures larger and add MySpace and Flickr. Add too the possibility to directly upload in Flickr profile the photo-shots taken in-world. As I suggested in the feature requested, you should move all the other useless floating windows inside the sidebar, in example the building tool, of course always detachable from the sidebar. The new Log in is great. This way I can login in any of my preferred places. You should add the zoom in feature that is already available open-source in the Kirstensviewer. It is very useful. I am using the SL2.6 and it works greatly also if its stability have to be improved. I seen that the new compressed teleport works wonderful. Is it already available in the 2.5 beta? Anyway continue this way. Don't care about old-minded people who still uses old 1.x viewers. There are always been two kind of people: who learn how to use something and don't want to change (I've coworkers who still use Lotus as spreadsheet) and always talks about good old times, and who always watch to the future, learning always the new tools, buying new things, and using the past just as basics to create a better future. Old viewer is the past, it was good for the past but it was outdated. SL2.x and clones (Kirstensviewer in example) are the future. They look great, work great, have all the feature people needs, so go ahead! You are on the right path. Reading some comments of this post I've to say that people sees in the new viewers problems that are just related to their own inability to do things.. I had not any of their problems. The ??? problem was a temporary problem when the new Dispalyname feature was added. Now it is stabilized. Who has this problem should just let the viewer works for a few time. I use SL2.x daily as my unique viewer. I build, I script. I am a DJ. I play RPG. I do everything and I have no problems at all. Just some crashes when I test the nightly build. But it is normal when using untested and development viewers. But I see Phoenix and other old TPV viewers users crashing as much as me. The most misterious things is that when they have problems with their viewer they say: Ooops! When they have problems using LL viewers they say: shit, LL is doing a bad work, this viewer is shit.... Well, think about this people. They are building the future. Phoenix and other viewer are just recycling something old adding the things LL is creating. (See the LL new amazing multiattachment just added to Phoenix because their multiattachment was horrible). GO LL!
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