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rainbow Fairymeadow

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Posts posted by rainbow Fairymeadow

  1. Hi all :)

    I am curious..  I am a creator in RL as well.. jewelry and other things. I have always wondered if we are allowed to sell advertise businesses and RL products from SL. I feel like somewhere back in the day i was told or read something that said you are not allowed to do that.
    If you know. Can you send me a link to some information or rules to read please.

  2. Established Casino Sim

    Looking for energetic ,reliable Greed hosts .
    All applicants must be 30 days or older in Second Life
    All applicants must be able to read/speak fluent English
    All applicants must be able to Voice
    All Applicants must be age verified and 18+ years of age
    Hosting Experience a plus
    We provide full training on how to run the game and host
    Open 7 days a week 7am-11 pm... Will be extending hours
    Pay + 100% tips,

    Please contact in world

    CynntanaGhost Resident - (Çчŋŋ ౪ Ðʀaɢuŋ )        secondlife:///app/agent/d0f813ce-1064-485f-b7ca-64006e61122a/about


    Jazzi Slade - (Jazzi MamaDoobie Boozehound)   secondlife:///app/agent/64bcffb1-6466-40fe-affd-b97319692c55/about

  3. Established Casino Sim

    Looking for energetic ,reliable Greed hosts .
    All applicants must be 30 days or older in Second Life
    All applicants must be able to read/speak fluent English
    All applicants must be able to Voice
    All Applicants must be age verified and 18+ years of age
    Hosting Experience a plus
    We provide full training on how to run the game and host
    Open 7 days a week 7am-11 pm... Will be extending hours
    Pay + 100% tips,

    Please contact in world

    CynntanaGhost Resident - (Çчŋŋ ౪ Ðʀaɢuŋ )        secondlife:///app/agent/d0f813ce-1064-485f-b7ca-64006e61122a/about


    Jazzi Slade - (Jazzi MamaDoobie Boozehound)   secondlife:///app/agent/64bcffb1-6466-40fe-affd-b97319692c55/about

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  4. Established Casino Sim

    Looking for energetic ,reliable Greed hosts .
    All applicants must be 30 days or older in Second Life
    All applicants must be able to read/speak fluent English
    All applicants must be able to Voice
    All Applicants must be age verified and 18+ years of age
    Hosting Experience a plus
    We provide full training on how to run the game and host
    Open 7 days a week 7am-11 pm... Will be extending hours
    Pay + 100% tips,

    Please contact

    CynntanaGhost Resident - (Çчŋŋ ౪ Ðʀaɢuŋ )        secondlife:///app/agent/d0f813ce-1064-485f-b7ca-64006e61122a/about


    Jazzi Slade - (Jazzi MamaDoobie Boozehound)   secondlife:///app/agent/64bcffb1-6466-40fe-affd-b97319692c55/about

  5. 1 minute ago, Deathly Fright said:

    I sometimes change one or two textures to make it something I really love intsead of it being something I like or even don't like. and resizing, when it's not rigged, is soooo much easier with edit then even an xyz stretcher.  I also sometimes will remove parts of something that I don't like... or even items that can't be made smaller with a resizer I can shrink  and readjust further with scripts that I have. I've had to do it with even major hair makers like magika because the hair was too big.

    Ahhhh see now we are getting somewhere :) Starting to understand. Thanks!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

    Please, for your own sake, as a creator - you should look into how the permissions system in SL works.

    A modifiable item does not need modifiable scripts inside it. And linking a root prim doesn't change who created the original object, which is what people will see when inspecting the item, anyway... meaning that any lies about who created it would be very transparent.

    Thanks for the answe :) I am just trying to figure out WHY they are modfiable in the first place.. help me out :)

  7. 16 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Not when everything you buy from now on 100% no-modify.

    Please explain this reason to me? I am a content creator in SL of Jewelry. I honestly dont use gachas much in my store because I make the item to include a HUD that will change metals, gems etc, and just make it one price for everyone. I never leave my items modify though... an item doesnt have to be modify for you to adjust it after its attached. so what other reason would creators have to leave little funny animals and things modify.. When you leave something that way as far as I know... the person buying it will then be able to get into all of your scripts or if its Trans as well they can just link a prim to it and call it their creation.

    I do understand the time limit is crappy and creators will have to work hard and repackage thier items to sell normally, I feel your pain. Listing seems endless  🙄 but I have seen stores that sell a hair.. and if you want the style HUD or fat pack of colors you have to pay extra for it. Clothing stores sell items as a single color or in a fat pack, sometimes multiple fat packs of different colors.

    Can we not just go back to doing things that way and sell at a reasonable price for creator/consumer alike?

    • Like 1
  8. Well.. Its all good and thanks for the uplifting responses. :) Every once in a while its good to hear you aren't just doing a crap job lol.

    I have been in SL about 15 yrs. Learning more everyday. I'm just really quiet.. I love what I do and will keep doing it. I also LOVE for all it brings us :)

    Its all good! I just felt like venting. I dont much.



    • Like 1
  9. Ahhhh, 

    Thanks very much for that info Rosa. I will dig into that. I always thought maybe it was bad keywords or something. Like when you see the banner at the top of the main page. Advertising a certain item.. Hair, furniture etc.. maybe those people paid to be there other than what we can use, like the set up for us featuring and item and paying for which page we want it to land on.

    curious, have you ever used those as well?

     I'll let you know how things go :))

  10. On 4/1/2019 at 9:18 PM, Claireschen Hesten said:

    I do think there's something not quite right on the marketplace when on apparel sorted by relevance & 96 items per page well over half the results on the landing page are from the same creator

    I agree with this. I was on MP the other day just trying to figure out how this works, I went through about 15 pages of jewelry and never saw ONE of mine, but multiple things from other stores. I wish I would have found this thread a few minutes earlier. I actually just started a thread to get some help lol.

    • Like 1
  11. Hey all :)

    So I am really just looking for some marketing strategies and have a question. 

    I am a jewelry designer, I also dabble a bit in eyes and nails. Anyway. I have a store on MP and after all these years I am still wondering how the listings get arranged. I looked the other day under jewelry and went through about the first 15 pages and didn't see one listing from my store. I DID see multiple listings from other stores. 

    My question is, does MP just list things as they are listed each day by the merchants, or are the listings I am seeing, ones that have been enhanced to land on a certain page? Good Keywords?? 

    Thanks for any answers in advance :)


  12. On 12/22/2018 at 9:56 PM, Bree Giffen said:

    SL needs a reboot. Not a Sansar reboot but an SL reboot. Some might say that SL has already made a huge leap in the past few years. Everything made out of prims and system avatars have changed to mesh produced with outside programs. That's quite a sea change. The problem still remains that SL is too complicated. There are just too many mouse clicks needed to do things. There are a lot of tutorials but a good design needs to be intuitive. The mesh rebirth seems to show that SL can survive a reboot. This idea needs something more though. It needs all the building tools to be built into the viewer again. An easy to use 3d -creation tool built into SL with animation, sound and scripting. I think that's asking a bit much of LL though. 

    I have to say updated in world building is something I have been hoping for, for a long time. After all the years I have been building in SL I now have to learn a whole new complicated program ( Blender) which probably wouldn't be that hard if the mouse controls weren't reversed lol. I actually prefer just working in world. As I was saying, I now have a ton to learn without the patience or time to learn it as RL takes a lot of my time. I loveeee being in Sl and creating things. I am a jewelr, I put together floral arragements for weddings and small house deco. I now design eye textures. I use SL as an outlet for my creativity that I was unfortunately never able to grasp in RL. I am also creative in rl, always wanted store of my own but just never seized the opportunity. In SL I can Have the stores, and can reach out to SOOOO many people from all over the world, far better than just one state of the USA lol. Still would just be much easier for me to just build while I'm standing on my platform in the sky or sitting on my beach listening to tunes.

    I honestly will be in SL for as log as its around. I have made so many friends in here over the years. I have collected a whole world of things I would never have in RL lol. I LOVEEE to ride my motorcycles.

    The Yeah there are DIFFERENT people and lifestyles, but hey, in RL its the same. Just not so in your face. To explore or not to explore, that is the question... I explore but I know where my TP button is in a jiff lol.As for telling rl people about SL. I tell everyone! There is just so much to tell. I work at a gaming sim late nights on a different Avi, and I actually tell people its like my second job and how it all works. 



  13. Hi Rosalyn,

    I am interested to see if you are looking for, or do referrals for floral designers. I just opened a shop about a year ago and do custom orders as well as having a marketplace for some of the pre-made items for purchase. I have done around 8 or 10 custom orders so far, so I also have references. Hope to hear from you soon.

    The flowers are done on a different Av than this because I didn't want to get my inventory confused. Her name is cherryrainfloral Resident and here is the MP link so you can see some of my work.


  14. I am wondering if anyone knows anything about boost value in sarch, meaning the store and things in the store showing in search. I have this little hud that says my boost value is -1. I have no clue how to fix this or what is means other than the little bit they tell you in knowledge base which is

    In addition to traffic, size, and many more ranking mechanisms, we also apply a small negative boost related to how spammy a listing seems to be. We determine this using software that evaluates content and gives it a rating. This spam ranking is viewable on the source code of your world page listing, and there are several inworld merchants with free objects that tell you if your parcel has been flagged for spam. Adjusting the title and description text associated with your parcel affects your spam rating, and that new rating is picked up in the next update.

    Can someone please help me understand this.

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