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Moon Corrigible

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Everything posted by Moon Corrigible

  1. Oh my gosh that's brilliant!!!! You all are amazing!!
  2. Yes, exactly - I just need to find them once and have it report it's position back to the rest of the script. You are all are so awesome! Honestly that llSensor script is SO much more elegant than anything I would have come up with. THANK YOU!!!!
  3. I'm just a little worried that there might be more than 16 scripted objects in the vicinity, and that the sensors might not find it then. But honestly I have no idea how realistic that worry is. Dumb question - would running two sensors (one for each) take up less script resources? I read that each llSensor will return up to 16 responses and I'm wondering if that would be overly taxing? Thanks again!
  4. I apologize, I don't know the correct terminology. I'm using an llSesnor and I would like it to detect both objects with the name "Left Corner Setter" and "Right Corner Setter". Is there a way to use a character or code to to get it to detect anything with the words 'Corner Setter' in the name? Thanks!
  5. I guess I've just never used this in a capacity where the agent wasn't actually around in one way or another so I've never run into the problem. Thanks for the info!
  6. Holy macaroni that worked: key name_key_query; key back_again; default { state_entry() { llListen(1, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { name_key_query = llRequestUserKey(message); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { if(name_key_query == queryid) { llSay(0, "That key is: " + data); back_again = llRequestAgentData(data, DATA_NAME); } else if(back_again == queryid) { llSay(0, "So the name is: " + data); } } } [08:33] Object: That key is: f70d9f76-1d94-4fd9-9535-ab9d3bab51ba [08:33] Object: So the name is: Moon Corrigible I still don't understand why llKey2Name didn't work but I'll take my victories where I can get them!
  7. I used llRequestUserKey to get the key.. did you mean llRequestAgentData to get the name instead of llKey2Name?
  8. I can not for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong here. Why doesn't this work? key name_key_query; default { state_entry() { llListen(1, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { name_key_query = llRequestUserKey(message); } dataserver(key queryid, string data) { if(name_key_query == queryid) { llSay(0, "That key is: " + data); key handle = (key)data; llSay(0, "So the name is: " + llKey2Name(handle)); key other_way = llList2Key([data], 0); llSay(0, "or perhaps this will work: " + llKey2Name(other_way)); } } } These are the results I get: [08:04] Object: That key is: f70d9f76-1d94-4fd9-9535-ab9d3bab51ba [08:04] Object: So the name is: [08:04] Object: or perhaps this will work: I get the correct numbers for the key just fine and dandy but I can not get llKey2Name to give me the name back again. Granted I could just store everything as a strided list, but that seems inelegant at best. Anyone have any idea what I'm missing? Thanks in advance!!
  9. So after two days of poking at the script frenetically and tearing apart every script I could find, I decide to go see if maybe other people have done it differently .. which is when I realized that that funciton doesn't work for me with anyone's script.. ever.. even if it works for other people.... and THIS boys and girls, is why you grab a bright shiny new RLV interface every time. DOH! Thank you anyway!
  10. I am loosing my mind. The rest of my RLV scripting works peachy keen. All the force sits, the controlling communications, the playing with items - all works fine. But for some odd reason I can NOT get the strip command to work for the life of me! I'm using llSay(-1812221819, "Strip,(person's key),@remoutfit:gloves=force|@remoutfit:jacket=force|@remoutfit:pants=force|@remoutfit:shirt=force|@remoutfit:shoes=force|@remoutfit:skirt=force|@remoutfit:socks=force|@remoutfit:underpants=force|@remoutfit:undershirt=force|@addoutfit:gloves=n|@addoutfit:jacket=n|@addoutfit:pants=n|@addoutfit:shirt=n|@addoutfit:shoes=n|@addoutfit:skirt=n|@addoutfit:socks=n|@addoutfit:underpants=n|@addoutfit:undershirt=n) I thought the length may have been an issue so I tried llSay(-1812221819, "Strip,(person's key),@remoutfit:jacket=force). That didn't work either. For contrast llSay(-1812221819, "Force Gag,bade0deb-45ab-47be-be1b-c5f8f3417e66,@attach:~MSBallGag=force"); works great. Anyone have any clue what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!!
  11. I have the feeling I'm missing something blatantly obvious .. not an uncommon occurrance! I've got a pretty standard RLV cage and I'm trying to put in that nifty little feature where, if the subject is locked into the cage, when they relog the cage grabs them again. Is there a way to do that OTHER than using an llSensor? That just seems so laggy but I'm darned if I can see a different way. Thanks in advance!!
  12. At least now I know what to call it!! lol THANK YOU!!
  13. I'm so lost I can't even figure out what to call this! When you edit an object an click to make the object emit light - this would be PRIM_POINT_LIGHT in the parameters - to the right of the box where you determine the color of the light emitted, there is a box where you can use a texture to shape the beam of light emitted. I LOVE this but I can not for the life of me think of what to call that box and I can't seem to find it in the wiki. My end goal is to find out if this can be changed via script. llSetPrimitiveParams(PRIM_POINT_LIGHT) does not have a parameter for it and I'm darned if I can think of another way to access it. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks!!
  14. AARRRGG I had no idea about the meshes thank you! ..and I agree completely about the persistant temp issue, these are rezzed when called things. Thank you!!!
  15. I am officially going insane. I have a swan rezzer that uses llRezAtRoot to rez temporary swan boats. That works fine - the boats do not count against the total prim count until you actually sit in them. Great. But when I have a stool rez temporary fairies that buzz around the little buggers count against my prim count, even though they SAY they are temporary (the box is clicked when I edit them). Both scripts are using llRezAtRoot. I used the 'bob the box' trick and had the boat rezzer rez a temporary box with no scirpts. That didn't reduce my available prims, so its not a PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ thing. I can not for the life of me think what I could be missing!
  16. I am so confused. I have a script rezzing objects which go into the box as temporary. They show as temporary when I edit them. But for some reason they are still counting against the prim limit (the region capacity is going down by the land impact of the item.) But when I just rez a box and click it to temporary it does not reduce the region capacity. What am I missing here?
  17. It actually does make sense - and thank you for posting it. ... I'm kind of doing the 'confused dog look' at why we can get at that information in groups - lol. But thank you!
  18. I'm working on one of those lovely gadgets that tells you whether or not a specific person is online, and I've been using Anthony Fairports wonderful 'Last Login Tracker' (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Antony_Fairport/Scripts/Last_Login_Tracker) ..soooo gotta love this community! But this basically just keeps track track of the last time the script saw that person log in. I know that group information will display the last time a person logged on, so I'm thinking there must be a way to access that information independently. But for the life of me I can not seem to figure out where to look in the portal. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! Moon
  19. OK backtracking.. this is a couch that seats four and will let any combination of the four cuddle - so 3 and a single, two couples, four singles, whatever, after being granted permission by the cuddlers. The portion of the script that is breaking my heart is the one that moves people around on the couch so that they can cuddle - slides person B down so that person A and person C can cuddle - that sort of thing. The participant list is being passed over in a CSV from the permissions script. .... and the value for the SECOND_INFO list is a key!! HALLELUIA I know why I am an idiot!! ..wait.. THANK YOU ALL! I never would have figured that out on my own. I've been kicking it for 2 days. And Rollig's suggestion, works like a charm.. you are a GODDESS amoung women!! THANK YOU!!
  20. Oh oh oh that is probably it! I've had to divide this script so many times ( it is four scripts now - started as one) to keep it from running over that I honestly dont even remember how I load up that value. Dollars to donuts one of them is a string and one is a key. THANK YOU!!
  21. Buuutt the person is in the list.. they are the second entry on the list llSay(0, "the second list item on the list is " + (string)llList2List(participants, 1, 1)); llSay(0, "person is " + (string)person); llSay(0, "the first value is " + (string)llListFindList(participants, person)); [08:57] Club Sofa: the second list item on the list is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9 [08:57] Club Sofa: person is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9 [08:57] Club Sofa: the first value is -1 Since the second entry is the same as the value I am looking for, the llListFindList function should return a 1 shouldnt it?
  22. Apparently I am loosing my mind. I can not for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong. The llSay funcitons are only there to help me figure out what I am doing wrong. I am using this code: list person = llList2List(SECOND_INFO, 1, 1); llSay(0, "the second list item on the list is " + (string)llList2List(participants, 1, 1)); llSay(0, "person is " + (string)person); llSay(0, "the first value is " + (string)llListFindList(participants, person)); if(llListFindList(participants, person) != -1 && llGetListLength(participants) > 1) //SECOND is participating { llSay(0, llKey2Name(llList2Key(SECOND_INFO, 1)) + " is second and is participating."); } And I am getting back this: [08:57] Club Sofa: the second list item on the list is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9 [08:57] Club Sofa: person is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9 [08:57] Club Sofa: the first value is -1 OK.. so the second person on the list of participants is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9. Good. And the person I am looking for is 2cf699db-acba-4fa0-8d4f-cc30fb438af9.. good that is the same person! So that person is on the list right? [08:57] Club Sofa: the first value is -1 What do you mean no? I swear sofa I have a screw driver and I am NOT afraid to use it!!
  23. But llRot2Fwd returns a vector, no? Am I missing something about how to translate a vector into a rotation?
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