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Loff Auer

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Posts posted by Loff Auer

  1. Ibiza Life SIM will do a Fest called SL Woodstock Fest, during first weekend of November, replicating all the bands that were at Woodstock RL in 1969

    Ibiza Life can be permanently visited here - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taylor/98/114/23

    Any other info please contact me - Loff Auer


    DISCLAIMER - My previous post was found to violate rules and terms -  Now, just like any other user in this forum section, I´m posting and event name, place and date, nothing else, so I can not give any more details, completely scared of any more punishment - It is ok to post an event name, place and date, on a forum section called events, right ?

  2. TAKE THE CHALLENGE - Meet Friends & Share (Monday meets)
    This Monday Meet will be at Ibiza - Surf Point - 2PM - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taylor/210/58/23
    Ibiza Life´s growing community promotes new friendships and SL experience sharing, by meeting casually every Monday and prompting people to introduce themselves and ask or give help on any SL issue
    Join our group - Ibiza Life
    IBIZA LIFE SIM - Fun, Friends & Freedom

    Enjoy the Ibiza holiday way of life on a replica of its beautiful capital, Eivissa. Ibiza Life is all about fun, friends, and freedom and offers countless amenities, sports, vehicles, venues, and events, above and under its warm blue waters. Have fun with all the land and water amenities, make friends at the weekly events, and feel free to be free in your own rented home, store, or club.

    Destination Guide - https://secondlife.com/destination/ibiza-life

    SL URL - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taylor/63/217/23

    Ibiza Life Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCicodRn-Qs83SdZGYqRUTHw

  4. We are finally in the Destination Guide and would love to have your visit... https://secondlife.com/destination/ibiza-life

    Enjoy the Ibiza holiday way of life on a replica of its beautiful capital, Eivissa. Ibiza Life is all about fun, friends, and freedom and offers countless amenities, sports, vehicles, venues, and events, above and under its warm blue waters. Have fun with all the land and water amenities, make friends at the weekly events, and feel free to be free in your own rented home, store, or club.

  5. Join a unique community in Second Life

    Carlos Loff´s Avatar is - Loff Auer - and is helping users to enjoy SL, faster, cheaper and better

    Ibiza Life is already being build on a full region (Taylor), you can visit here:

    Help Us finish and startup Our Ibiza Life community SIM - Fun, Friends & Freedom - Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCicodRn-Qs83SdZGYqRUTHw

    IBIZA LIFE - More than a place, a way of life, where everyone matters, Veteran or Newbie...
    One rule only - Always be nice to Everyone !

    Carlos Loff is (Loff Auer) in SL since 2007, a leading experienced builder, event organizer, project developer and community manager (add me as friend inworld)
    Let´s finish and open Ibiza Life, to make Second Life easier, faster and cheaper for any resident who wants to join Us

    • Like 1
  6. 612107598_F-BuildingProgress.thumb.jpg.b4c29021756f8b82277af696238d85ff.jpg

    Hi everyone

    I am starting a non-profit project to gather a friendly and helpful community to develop personal projects

    I have a Homestead, that I hope I can turn soon into a full region, where I m building a replica of Ibiza´s town central areas, docks, castle, bay and beach, along with some typical features from there, clubs, hippie market, stage, diving spots, marina and much more

    I will soon be offering free homes and venues to people that promise to run events at Ibiza, DJs, Content Creators, Artists, Singers, Club Owners...

    In the meantime, please visit and join the group to keep up with next news and available features, for free...


    There is also going to be a free rental hotel, but I have to make sure people use it and don´t just occupy and never comeback...


    Here is an intro to the project

    Empowering People for the Metaverse - Do what you want, how you want, with no other limits than your imagination

    Building community and sharing resources to make it easier, faster and affordable to develop personal projects in Second Life Metaverse

    Using the most mature, organic and diversified Metaverse (Second Life), we will get our own island to innovate and prepare for future Metaverses
    We meet via Zoom to master SL features - We meet inside SL to build Virtual Ibiza - We get private land parcels and venues

    We share resources and experiences to scale personal projects around: E-commerce, Education, Business , Culture, Arts and Entertainment (Your RSVPs help support Ibiza development and land cost)

    Carlos Loff is Loff Auer in SL since 2007, a leading experienced builder, event organizer, project developer and community manager, with long meetups delivery track - https://www.meetup.com/irisfotografia / https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/2763475

    Here is a video where I introduce this project and show what we already have - https://youtu.be/nRniZ_-baNg


    Virtual Worlds Achievements - Since 2007 - SL

    SL - Lisbon riverbank - Belém

    SL Lisbon Square - Rossio

    SL Tropical Resort - Coral Homes

    SL Winterfest 2010 - Partner with AWVR Radio

    SL Lisbon - Horse Creator´s Festival

    SL Lisbon - Lingerie fashion show

    SL Tropical Beach Hotel

    SL Lisbon - Interactive Star Wars exhibition

    Fantasy Weddings Venue - by Loff and Marisa


    E - Building Startup.jpg

  7. SL and Opensim are not compatible, only in the viewer, and of course they are simillar on the way they work

    But to sell on each one you need different accounts and avatars, upload or create from scratch on each one

    So one platform does not interfere with other platform



  8. Firestorm viewer not anly allowed me to export items from SL to my computer as it also allowed to rezz them back at Kitely, where I moved to


    But only what I built - For example I did it with a whole 211 prims tram I built on SL but since door scripts and seats scripts were not mine (I bought them on SL to specific stores) the Tram rezzed perfectly on Kitely but it had no doors neither sit balls

  9. I met rita and deal with her several times, she is a wonderful person and knows how to make a bsiness and establish real friendiship, offering valuable items to help instead of selling sometimes.

    Its a shame that some lasy folks get jealous just because they did items for basic use and offered full perms and than when they see their items on an improved productt, instead of feeling proud, they do what Rita explained.

    Time will do you justice rita, never change, you will succeed

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