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Vicky Christensen

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Posts posted by Vicky Christensen

  1. A no-Mod EEP has some parameters that are not immediately viewable.  For example you can see the color of the sky but you cannot click on it to get its exact RGB value.  But you can also see other values, but just not modify them.  All you have to do is then apply it yourself, then go into Personal Lighting, and suddenly everything is viewable and modifiable to you.  It is very inconsistent.  I tried it in both default viewer and FS.  There seems to be no way to protect your EEP settings.

  2. I understand that EEPs are now an object in the inventory and can be then shared or sold on the marketplace.  As I am now 14 years in SL I have some very nice Windlights that I would like others to enjoy.  However the problem is that I'm not able to hide the sky properties such as Blue density, cloud color, sunlight color, etc.  I saved the EEP object as No Modify, No Transfer, but Copy OK and then sent it to an Alt.  My Alt was able to view all the sky settings.  You only have to apply the EEP to yourself, and then go into "Personal Lighting" to have full access.  You could then move the sun around, view and change all the settings, and even save it as another EEP.  And of course you would then be able to resell any EEP you buy.  Is this working as intended?


    Update: Jira filed https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229340

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