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Xeandra Claveau

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  1. Everytime i login without fail sometimes not as immidate but it eventually happens some of the items are similar but no its not an exact match tried the smith region and it didn;t take long before it happend again,
  2. ive been stugginging with it for five days ... i havent even tried to put anything on and it happens I've switched veiwers clared cache regullarly and manually tried different charecters .. its only my main oldie...
  3. when i login before i even open my inventory or right after the server reads it all. I get a messege say cannot rez that. Even though im on my land.. thing is im not trying to rez anything. And then i explode into houses and pianos and stuff i didn;t even attampt to attach. I get another system messege saying that i cant attach all these things but it keeps attachign stuff even when i detach. finally i get everything off and i can continue with my day. Why is this happening. How can i fix it. to fill out my complaint a little more. ive clarec cache both manually and not.. tried switching veiwers.. detachign everything and ruthing myself ive been fighting it for about five days. IT dosent happen to any of my alts. and im not trying to wear anything it just happens sporaddically when i logon
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