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Stephi Catnap

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Posts posted by Stephi Catnap

  1. I'm usually pretty careful but somehow someone got to me, I didn't notice until I went to withdraw my 450USD that I had made from my store and it had gone, I looked through my transaction history to find that somehow lindens had been brought with this money and then taken them from me, I got the guys name, he did this with 250,000 L$, the sums didn't add up because that was more that 450USD worth of lindens.. I checked my paypal.. and he had withdrawn the money I had from there too.. and also my bank account and also my credit card, all coming to just over $1000 worth. I've changed all my passwords and reported to LL who are looking into it and have put a hold on my main avatars account. I just hope there's some way I can get this back, I've spoken to a few people and they have heard of people being paid this back.. Its an awful lot of money for me... Its fraud.. Especially when they get my rl accounts involved. I don't usually like to keep large amounts of money in SL but I didn't want to make multiple credit processes as I used to do this and then got asked for identification and had to fill in a tax form while they stopped my money from being transferred to my bank account, so decided I would take my money out maybe every 2 weeks.. I'll be using alts from now on and will withdraw my money every day again. Does anyone know how long my account will be on hold for? Have you had or heard of anything similar happen to anyone else? I'm talking big money not small amounts of lindens.

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