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Neyo Aleixandre

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  1. And yet, they've had over 7 years to speed up their own lindex process and keep their playerbase using the "standard" method of cashing out. They have never felt the need. Its actually slower now than it was years ago. I used to cash out in 3-4 days and, while i hated it, it was easier to predict. I have seen people cash out last week using lindex and still have yet to recieve their payment. I have no clue how they managed to make it even slower. Ohh wait, large volumes of people using a system that seems to require human verification, though its more of a sloth flailing its arms slowly at a keyboard to press confirm.
  2. It feels like they are just determined to make this as slow as possible? Kinda feels like this is largely due to their accounting department consisting of two gerbils and a cat. That and the possibility that they take as long as possible to keep the money in their system to gain interest. (sorta like how paypal has been accused of holding funds in the past) Really dissapointed with this move. Killing virwox and not speeding up lindex is a pain. Especially now that wait times will increase due to the volume (everyone) using it.
  3. You don't know me, I don't really post on SL forums since they closed the old ones. However, I recently found out my favorite method of cashing out was closed due to a TOS change. The core reason I even used Virwox to begin with was its speed. I didn't care I was losing out a dollar or two to get my funds most of the time. Compared to SL's When we feel like it styled paypal deposits, I find myself frustrated at cashing out a few dollars here and there to tend to other things. How to fix this? Honestly I don't know, I simply know that like many, virwox and such was only used because how much faster it was to cash out. You didn't have to worry about checking your profile page or paypal page to see if it had hit 3 days after the fact. I doubt this will do much besides add to the pile of complaints about this change, but at the same time I want to slam my face into the desk from the alternatives. I'm fairly patient, but after having to wait 2 weeks through LL's processing times, I readily adopted Virwox. Now that its gone, I feel like "why bother", I just hope this doesnt start to smother the people who used virwox to cash out quickly. Several people I know used it for RL bills and various expenditures because they could have it in minutes, now you can expect a waiting period that consits of the words "whenever" and "eventually" Tl;dr: LL needs to speed up the processing time on their linden transfers, it would end a lot of this irritation. Also, support more currencies through given methods if possible to aid those who aren't necessarily local.
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