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Reiku Kinomis

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  1. well lets put it at some where around say 100 at most or something more than the regular people
  2. I think as a premium memeber your membership should also include unlimited groups that you can join or belong to. I didnt know where to put it so i put it here.
  3. when i load my inventory and later on i log back in my viewer messes up like i cant even see the ground or the sky or anything. then when i clear everything and start it up again it works again.
  4. when i load my inventory and later on i log back in my viewer messes up like i cant even see the ground or the sky or anything. then when i clear everything and start it up again it works again.
  5. ahh i see, thanks, does any one know how to do it if you have the SL beta viewer
  6. i was wondering is there a tutorial on how to get a custom partlce selection beam or how do buy one?
  7. well the only thing i did was update the beta sl veiwer to the newer version of it, it never happened to me before this update
  8. why doesnt any prim attachment or hud attachment work with the new update
  9. why is it my avatar clothing prims not showing at all? all i did was update the beta sl viewer
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