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Dracgon Zuhrah

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Everything posted by Dracgon Zuhrah

  1. Thank you all for the assistance, I haven't had time to try and work out what I was doing wrong today, as I've been busy. But I am certainly reading and studying everything you all have provided. I appreciate it and hope I can work on the script more tonight.
  2. Maybe I'm putting it in the wrong spot, as I said earlier, I have little to no clue what I'm doing. default { state_entry() { integer num = (integer)11.0 -llFrand(22.0)); llSetTimerEvent(0.2); } timer() { vector force = <llFrand®, llFrand®, llFrand®>; llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_FLEXIBLE, TRUE, 10, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, force]); } } Is how I have it set up now, and it's not compiling.
  3. Thank you very much, Dora. after fiddling with the parameters a little bit, i've gotten it close to just how I had hoped it would be. Is there any way to make the movement more smooth? At the current it's movements are very quick. Oh, also, how would I go about setting the range to say, -10 - 10? I tried using float min= -10.0; float max= 10.0; (and then setting the llFrand to (min + max) I failed, of course) But to no avail.
  4. Having a bit of trouble getting your suggestion to work, Dora. To be sure, am I still going to need a timer event? Also, this is the script as I have it so far. (I have very little idea what i'm doing still) default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(2); } timer() { float r = 10.0; // any suitable range vector force = <llFrand®, llFrand®, llFrand®>; } }
  5. While taking Rolig's advice, I found the llsetPrimitiveParams, but now, would i use a command like interger random = (integer) llFrand (5.0) (or whatever range I choose to use) to generate the integers that would go into the <0, 0, 0> area of the set params command? And if so, how would I go about sending the integers to the <0, 0, 0>?
  6. I'm making an avatar, however I have no experience scripting, and no knowledge of scripting. I could really use some help.
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