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Xanthia Lisle

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Everything posted by Xanthia Lisle

  1. “Never has any sailor passed our shores in his black craft until he has heard the honeyed voices pouring from our lips, and once he hears to his heart's content sails on, a wiser man” For as long as man kind has sailed the seas there has been legend of mystical creatures to entice and seduce men to the depths of the deep blue sea. Will you give in to the sirens call, bend to the seductive sound of there song? Please join us as the Moulin Rouge Revue presents this new show, created by our talented dancers and directors!
  2. “Never has any sailor passed our shores in his black craft until he has heard the honeyed voices pouring from our lips, and once he hears to his heart's content sails on, a wiser man” For as long as man kind has sailed the seas there has been legend of mystical creatures to entice and seduce men to the depths of the deep blue sea. Will you give in to the sirens call, bend to the seductive sound of there song? Please join us as the Moulin Rouge Revue presents this new show, created by our talented dancers and directors!
  3. Burlesque is a kind of bohemian parodist show born from Victorian England and later imported to the United States. Burlesque makes fun of the world, the habits and the past times of the Nuevo rich in order to entertain the less well-to-do classes. Through the performance of extravagant numbers sensuality is transformed into comedy and offers a parody of femininity. We hope you enjoy this fine performance of the Moulin Rouge Revue Dancers. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/83/179/21
  4. Do you have an inner party animal looking to get out? Our dancers have put together an awesome show tonight with ALL your rock favorites from the 1950's to today! Come on down and rock out the night with us! Hope to see you all there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  5. Do you have an inner party animal looking to get out? Our dancers have put together an awesome show tonight with ALL your rock favorites from the 1950's to today! Come on down and rock out the night with us! Hope to see you all there! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  6. The Moulin Rouge presents a special new show with a colorful variety of solos, duets and group acts. We have chosen some of our favorites for your viewing and hearing pleasure this evening. Hope you all come out and enjoy the many colors of Burlesque in this special presentation! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  7. Take a tour around the world with us this evening as the Moulin Rouge Revue dancers present a feast of international delights... dances from all around the world! We have Russian, French, Spanish, Gypsy, Japanese, Old West American Cowboys and Indians, Argentinan, Bollywood Eastern Indian, Egyptian numbers and more to delight our patrons! Hope to see you all here! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  8. LIVE - CHICAGO DANCE SHOW @ MOULIN ROUGE! Showing: Saturday, May 18, 2013 7pm SLT Sunday, May 19, 2013 12pm SLT THE MOULIN ROUGE REVUE and Director Xanthia Lisle present a truly spectacular event for your enjoyment! A truly popular show in RL, CHICAGO has everything that makes Broadway great: a universal tale of fame, fortune and all that jazz; one show-stopping-song after another; and the most astonishing dancing you've ever seen... all from the comfort of your own home in Second Life! Come down and join us for this fantastic show! It's not to be missed!!! LOCATION: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29 Director: Xanthia Lisle Starring: Velma - Xanthia Lisle Roxie - Siren (Kiushu) Rau & Greta Wirefly Billy - Eagle Other Cast: Matron Mama Morton - Devra Amos - Silverwind Tzedek Merry Murderesses/Partners 1. Greta or Lucy/Eagle 2. Devra/Bjorg 3. Geryn/Shui 4. Jene/Bjorg 5. Xanthia/Eagle 6. Sarah R/Shui Judge: Bjorg Press: jene Stenographer: Sarah R. DA - Shui
  9. The Moulin Rouge is proud to present LIVE - Joaquin Gustav. Without question Joaquin Gustav is one of the most acclaimed and accomplished live musicians performing in Second Life. His soulful tango melodies and Latin rhythms always electrify and always satisfy. Please join us for this marvellous guitarista! He will be playing all of your romantic favorites tonight! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  10. What do wild animals and dinosaurs have in common? Find out tonight at the Moulin Rouge! Climb aboard our time machine as we make several stops along the way... to days of verdant jungles and prehistoric times with studly cavemen and sexy cavegirls. We hope you all enjoy this eyecatching treat tonight as the Moulin Rouge Revue dancers dazzle and delight our patrons up on the bigstage! Hop aboard the time machine: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  11. LIVE - VARIETY DANCE SHOW - SATURDAY 4/27/13 7PM SLT @ MOULIN ROUGE The Moulin Rouge is proud to present a special variety show featuring individual and group performances from its top performers. The excitement starts at 7 PM SLT this evening, so don't miss this unique live presentation in the Main Ballroom of the Moulin Rouge. On behalf of the entire staff of this unique theater and region, we look forward to seeing you there. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  12. From Christina, Britney, Madonna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga among others, the Moulin Rouge Dancers brighten the stage with their presence on this night of nights! So take a walk down the runway of the Music Awards with us as the Moulin Rouge Presents this NEW show - Modern Divas Dance Show -- only at Moulin Rouge! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  13. If bodies pulsing to the thrilling, primitive, beat of Samba, Salsa, reggae, tango, latin pop, and more tantalizes your senses and sparks your romantic imagination, Then your your Second Life fantasies will come true at the Moulin Rouge. The Moulin Rouge dancers take the stage at 7 to tempt your viewing pleasure and will fill your minds and bodies with the hot latin beat! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moulin%20Rouge/67/186/29
  14. I feel priveledged she has asked the Moulin Rouge Revue to do a 70-80's show there this Sunday, April 7th at 12pm noon slt, come on down for a great time!
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