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Streak Wildung

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Everything posted by Streak Wildung

  1. You're absolutely right, it is far more complicated then it needs to be (I like your's better! ) I was quickly jotting some code in to test some ideas I had and hadn't really optimized, so it's a tad messy. What really baffles me, is no matter what...the changed() even just will not trigger, like at all. I personally haven't had this to happen before but admitedly I've never used changed() that much except for checking for inventory changes. This one has me a litlte stomped because like you said, even if it's more complicated it should still work. I figure I'll give it a try tonight when I get home from work, maybe it was just something with SL last night and it'll all be working again (what could have caused it is a mystery, but who knows!). Thanks for your input and I'll defintely be stealing you snippet!
  2. LoL This is true, no getting around stealing that texture if someone REALLY wants it that baddly!
  3. Well there's a couple of different ways to do this. As many have said, use the llMessageLinked() to pass the date to script C. If you realy want to be secure you can use a Key2Chan function like I have here... integer Key2Chan(key ID) { return -0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)ID);} using the owners UUID to create a private channel. As long as the user doens't know your logic behind teh Key2Chan function they won't likely deciper your channel. Then you if you REALLY want t get secure, even if the channel is some how hacked. Encrypt your data going between scripts. I always encapsulate my data in something similar to a digital signature, so the script knows it's mine. So in the end, even if your channel is figured out...the person attempting to spoof something on your channel will have to know your encryption key...AND your digital signature before anything can happen...and there's way to even further secure it fi you're really super concerned. Keep in mind the Key2Chan will only work if the same person owns both object A and B.
  4. Hey guys, I have an issue with the changed() event and I was wondering if anyone would have some insite to this. I'm doing a little RLV work and in my default state it listens for the RLV commands, one it recieves and verifys the commands it changes to the RLV state I have set up, checks to see if the user is sitting on something or not and sets all of it's variables. Now I have the changed() even in my RLV state set to monitor for a link change, if the link changes it does a litlte house keeping and switches back to the default state. Problem is, the changed() even isn't triggering at all, literally. I put a little debug code (just an ownersay) inside the change() even before any type of logic checks. It won't even trigger, no matter what changes. Has anyone else had this issue? If you have, what am I doing wrong? Below is a small code snippet. state rlv_command { changed(integer what_changed) { llOwnerSay("Pre if statemnt"); if(what_changed & CHANGED_LINK) { llOwnerSay("Change State"); if(sit == TRUE) { llSay(0, "no longer sitting"); sit = FALSE; state default; } } } state_entry() { if(llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_SITTING) { //llOwnerSay("Avatar is sitting"); sit = TRUE; } //llOwnerSay("rlv command state entered"); llSetTimerEvent(10.0); } timer() { llSay(0, "Time Reached"); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); exploded_rlv_message = []; state default; } }Aside from Hello World, that's pretty basic, as I said that changed() even won't trigger at all. I call this state from a listen() even in the default state. Thanks for any input!
  5. Thank you so much! I feel pretty stupid with the math eluding me like it was...but for some reason the math just wasn't clicking. I was kind of heading in the right direction but yeah! Thanks a million! I really appreciate it!
  6. Well my plan is to figure out what math is behind it all so you don't have to do that. I don't want to store the information from a random number generator and have to recall that information each time. If the script is reset or anything else I lose that and that will make the script very memory inefficent. An external server for something like this is overkill, by a lot. I know the secret is going to be pretty easy and I'll feel stupid not realizing it any quicker, but for some reason I'm just not seeing how it's done and tha'ts irritating me big time. I know it's not strored in the script, simply because I've had it for MANY years and I've reset the thing many times. It still works and still pulls the same colors every time.
  7. yeah, but that would start to eat up a lot of memory with the more people you "Steal" their souls. Eventually you'd get a stack heap collision.
  8. I've considered that but that means the same person would get a random color each time.
  9. Well the thing is, the soul stealer would choose a different color for a different person and the same color for the same person. Granted, every now and again more then one person would have the same color. So some kind of math is going on behind the scenese to extrapulate a color vector from either the Users name or the UUID. I'm just not sure what they were doing to make it happen.
  10. A long time ago, there used to be a little gadget called the soul stealer. Essentially it would "Steal" your soul and by using your key it would determine the "Color" of your soul. I've had the idea to make a new one, after nearly 10 years. The problem is, I'm not sure how to convert a UUID to a Color Vector. Can anyone point me to the right direction?
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