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Rosalia Vaher

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Everything posted by Rosalia Vaher

  1. Thank you so much! My INV has been recovered.
  2. I uninstalled both and deleted the files, but my inventory's still the same. Thank you for the suggestions, though. Do you have any other ideas as to what else I could try? Fetching Inventory didn't show up either when I re-logged.
  3. I'm using Emerald ATM, but occasionally switch to regular SL if Emerald doesn't let me log in. I haven't updated my regular SL in almost a year, and I've only heard bad things about Viewer 2 so I'm hesitant to.
  4. So, in the last 2-3 months I've lost a great amount of my inventory 3 times. The first time, I lost all of my textures. This wasn't a big deal and I re-uploaded them. A couple weeks later, a lost a great amount of my clothing folder. The folders with clothes in them were still there, but they were empty, save a few. I cleared my cache and asked around to see if anyone else was having this issue. Now, I have been logged in for about 2 hours. I just went into my inventory to find a large amount of my animations, clothing, and textures gone. There are no items in my lost and found and I'm extremely frustrated. I sent several tickets, and haven't gotten any help. Does anyone know what I can do? The last time this happened, I sent the transaction history to the store owners and got most of my clothes returned, but I really don't want to have to do that again. Thank you so much if you can help!
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